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Does anybody have this book? Material Memories

If anyone has this book handy on their bookshelves, it would save me a trip to British Library (so short of time, writing-up away from the uni and couldn't find any electronic copies). I just need to confirm whether something I have in my thesis is a direct quote or not, that's all. I wrote that section three years ago, and for some reason didn't format that bit with the usual style.

Material Memories
M. Kwint, C. Breward and J. Aynsley.
Oxford, Berg


how long to transcribe interviews

Thank you Emmaki/Walminskipeas. I guess it makes sense. I should do them all day tomorrow in that case. I'm a fast typer, but the sound isn't very good so it'll probably involve many pauses and rewinds. Yeah, I didn't like tomoatos very much before, but I'll give it a go, it might be perfect for this task.

I downloaded VoiceWalker thinking it would save time. Anyone used it? Any good?

how long to transcribe interviews

======= Date Modified 16 May 2010 19:51:12 =======
oh dear! That sounds like nightmare. I was hoping half a day for the lot, but it looks like I used too much wishful thinking as it doesn't cost anything. Thank you so much for the answer.

edit: just seen the Caramel digestives comment. Lol! :-)

how long to transcribe interviews

So annoyingly I might have to transcribe 3 x half-hour informal interviews/discussions that I filmed a while ago. It was agreed that I wasn't going to transcribe those, but it looks like I will need to now. How long roughly does it take you to transcribe similar things, so I could have some idea of how long to allocate (I'm sooooo short of time by the way). Thanks...

What's the dress code for PhD VIVA

lol DanB... I was going to mention the tutu too :-)

So where are the old schoolers 04-07

Hey Bazzab... I returned to the forum a couple of months ago. It looks like most of the familiar names are gone. I still haven't finished, as I had to take a loooooooooooong break due to finances. But finishing soon hopefully.

DanB, are you still in touch with Sylvester? Did he finish?

Good luck with the 2nd time Bazzab.

Who owns your work?

Arts & Humanities.. combination of myself, university and HEFCE.

synonym etc help please....

thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! xxxx (caffeine's bad for me) :-)

synonym etc help please....

======= Date Modified 09 49 2010 23:49:49 =======
======= Date Modified 09 47 2010 23:47:17 =======
I think my brain has stopped. I've found in one section of my thesis that I used the phrase "without exception" far too many times. It doesn't read well with this repetition. Any suggestions on how to rephrase or what to replace it with? Thanks...

Totally Ashamed

Yes, please change your username. I think you have some great advice here from everyone. We all deal with problems in different ways; you obviously had valid reasons to escape your work and anything related to it. But it sounds like you are now ready get back to the scene and undo some of the damage. Past has passed, it is counterproductive to question your actions. Try to see it as "they were right at the time, but I'm not very happy with where they took me so I'm going to try something else". It's not too late to recover your research.

Good luck (up)

phd interview presentation

Hey M_asimuk. Congratulations in getting shortlisted for an interview.

If you haven't already done so, it's a good idea to visit their research website and read staff statements, the research lab's objectives etc in the first instance.

To give better advice it might be useful for us to know a little bit more. For example what kind of program are you applying for? Is it an established or pre-defined project of a supervisor, or are you proposing your own project? If latter, do they want you to present this too?

Doing a second PhD?

Quote From nharding:

I have actually come to think that academics often see PhD students as a cheaper option to postdocs. That is probably why you see so many PhD positions but very few postdoc ones in the UK currently. They are essentially getting a postdoc's job done through PhD students, who are a bit cheaper to employ. It is totally ridiculous and it undermines research.

I don't think what you say about 'how PhD students are seen' can be the case. Even if the PhD student doesn't attend lessons, s/he still is learning and developing. Work needs to be supervised. So in most ways it is for a personal achievement. You don't 'get paid' to do a job. How much money you receive is not the only amount involved in PhD student's funding. Besides there are so many self-funded PhD students too. Does that mean they are doing a voluntary job? No matter what we call ourselves, being a PhD canditae involves studentship. And the funding for PhDs and postdocs don't necessarily come from the same sources.

Who's staying up to watch the election results?

======= Date Modified 06 May 2010 22:41:46 =======
sorry to ruin the pink press party with my blue dress (ah I wrote this bit before PhDbug's message) :-)
yeah, c4 is good fun but I too switched to bbc for less distraction while working.

How would those people who's been queuing but couldn't vote affect the results? Are there really so many of them?

My polling station was very quiet. Just four people at 7 pm; so few names were crossed out from their lists from my area. It looked deserted.

Doing a second PhD?

(but I agree with BilboBaggins)

Doing a second PhD?

well, someone I know was funded by a UK university abroad and finished that PhD two years ago. He straight-away started doing a postdoc in Singapore so he moved there. Then he changed his mind and started a 2nd PhD at another UK university this time in the UK. Both PhDs were funded, but I'm not sure if by same bodies. Then I don't know how how he managed but he started doing another postdoc abroad, packed the 2nd PhD totally. It's bit irresponsible thing to do, but my point is I think you can get 2nd-time funding, unless new legislation was introduced recently.