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Fixing strained relationship with my advisor

Hello, it sounds like you are making a bigger event out of this than your supervisor. If you still feel badly then just do the following either by email or face to face. Face to face would be best. Just say (in your own words), I still feel badly about the miscommunication regarding the abstract for conference x. I learned a valuable lesson here and appreciate that you are supportive of my attending conference x. I am so excited to present our findings in [field x]. If any other opportunities to present at similar conferences come up I'd be very keen. Best regards, talk to you soon etc depending on your relationship with your supervisor.

Should I leave my job to start a PhD?

Hi! I have an opportunity to start a PhD with a professor of who I believe I would work well with to pursue my research interests in environmental sciences. My question is should I leave my permanent well-paid position to do so? I am also 44 years of age and working in the field I wish to be in. I have permission to leave my position for close to three years and presumably will return to it but will still have 1-3 years of a PhD left to finish. My reasons for doing a PhD are varied and in no particular order... I've reached a peak in my learning curve with work and I am not looking forward to more of the same same at work...I need a new challenge... I love research (field work, research design, spatial modelling) but writing not so much - this is something I want to overcome....I am really excited to live in a new city for a short while and be able to return to my hometown to finish my PhD (I have permission to finish on a satellite campus in my hometown)....
I will not receive a pay raise at work when I am done but other jobs might be open to me, I may not want to return to my job after a PhD but that is my safety net if things don't work out. My main concern is financial as my pay will be 1/3 to 1/2 of my current salary (I have a good job at the top of my potential earnings in my field). My financial obligations are minimal (no dependents) just a mortgage. I feel that it is now or never in terms of timing to do a PhD - I am no longer "young" and I might regret it if I don't at least try. I should add that I have 8 months of savings for a PhD to keep me at my acustomed living expenses before I have a big dip in finances.... money and time that I could use for travel which is my other option. I just feel after 8 months of travel I am back at my job that I am not that happy with and no more opportunity to pursue my research interests.

I live in the best small city and do not wish to relocate just for a career - just trying to make the best of what options I have.

Have any of you been in my shoes before? I assume from this forum you all went on to graduate school! Was it the right choice for you?