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Final Year Undergrad module choice

Good evening,

I'm finalising my module choice and was hoping to hear from a few PGs. Currently in my final year reading a BA Financial Economics at a mid-ranking UK University. I'm not sure if I would go directly into a Masters just yet - however my module choice is getting me to consider my module options.

I have 45 credits or 3 x 15 credit worth of optional modules this year - surprisingly Micro (Advanced), and Macro (Advanced) module are not core this year (?!), they each are worth 15 credits. I was considering to drop them - instead do 30 credits outside the Econ dept, e.g. accounting module, and only 15 credit of a easier Econ module; the motive of outside module are somewhat extrinsic, that I'd be more confident of getting high marks. However I'm conscious that my degree is already BA (instead of BSc) - if I do not do the Micro and Macro at advanced level - would my chance of getting into a decent finance related MA/MSc reduce quite a bit? e.g. would an BA/BSc Econ degree without (at least one) advanced Micro / Macro look weak?
