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PhD Acknowledgements

Hello everyone!
Thanks so much for your replies. Yes I think you are all right. I think I will leave it and go with Bevcha's idea - separate copies for me and the university. Thanks very much for taking the time to reply.

PhD Acknowledgements

Hello everyone,
Just a quick question about PhD acknowledgements. I would really appreciate your thoughts. I have written quite a short (3 paras) acknowledgements section thanking the usual suspects. However, I would really like to dedicate my thesis to my mummy. I call her mummy which I know some people think is dreadful in anyone over ten! But that's her name - if I put mum or mother it wouldn't be her. Is it acceptable to put "For mummy" or 'For my mummy" under the acknowledgements title. Or would you just leave it cos it's naff? Sorry for agonising over something so small - but you all know what the PhD turns you into!!
Thanks in advance!