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Normality tests

I'm not an expert so someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I'd look at everything. If K-S suggests data is not normal and trimmed mean suggests it is, I'd be looking at the other information you have, what are skewness and kurtosis like? What about your histograms and Q-plots? Did you get a normality plot with your histogram? How well does it fit? As far as I understand, you need to be able to justify your stats so as long as you have a logic and viable reason, you should be fine. I hope that makes sense... and good luck!

transcribing qual interviews HELP!!!! PLS


I only had 6 but had to include pauses, ums, etc and that took me ages as I had to keep going back and forth and had to go through each one about 3 or 4 times. Like Purpleflower said, I tried to break it down, so I'd tell myself I'd just transcribe 5 or 10 minutes and then have a break or go and do something else (thesis related). It was too overwhelming to just sit down and transcribe everything. You could also pay someone to do it... I know someone who did that... hth

Emergency! ….It has got to be done

Hello everyone!

New to the forum so please be gentle ;-) !

I've found this forum whilst looking for some info on how people have coped with their struggles during their PhDs and have found so helpful to know that I'm not the only one who has low motivation at times, procrastinates, etc. So here I am, in such a crisis that I might have to glue my bottom to the chair for the next few weeks or I'll never get my thesis done by the deadline... so my question is... when you guys are talking about deadlines, are you talking about the final submission or draft to sups?

Not sure how others are doing but my sups want me to submit a whole draft together (even though they've been reading drafts of different sections since forever) with what I feel is the final thesis for them to look at. Then I'll amend and submit (although I can see that this might happen a few times) before I actually submit.
