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I left my PhD, but I still wish to pursue..was it a mistake leaving PhD ??

It's possible to do another PhD, but you need to have grown from the reason you left last time. How do you know you will be able to do it next time?

Bangor University

Maybe check out their website?

Regarding this forum, it's great but some people do post crap...

Changing university at MSc level

I've never heard of anyone doing this. Do you mean do the research at one uni and then submit it at another? Or do a taught masters and one uni and the research component at another? The first option, I would say probably not. The second option might be a possibility but highly unlikely.

I expect you would have to pay fees twice if it was even possible.

Why do you want to do it?

Nearly Failed Viva

Don't keep us in suspense!

Back from the second PhD interview

I agree, many places upgrade the person from an mPhil to a PhD. You just have to ascertain if it's a definite upgrade as long as performance is satisfactory.

How to approach informal enquires?

I think it's ok to ask about start date but I wouldn't ask about commuting/part time home working at this stage if I were you, as it might discourage them. Worry about the logistics of doing it if you get it.

War Studies

I'm in the science field, so I can only comment on this area. It's unusual for someone to get MSc funded in science, but PhD usually are.

Most people either self-fund, and will then find it more difficult to get any funding at all, or get a funded position that was already advertised and they just apply for it like one would a job.

All-nighters (and not the fun kind)- staying focused

I'm sure that bulb does work to keep you awake. I have to have dim lights about 2 hours before I go to sleep or I can't sleep. I just can't work after a certain point though. I'm better off going to bed and getting up after a few hours sleep and then working.

Worried about no funding during fourth year

Also, just had a thought: if we are only funded for 3 years, do we have to pay any other fees for the 4th year? Maybe it depends on the university? I hope not because I have not budgeted for this!

That British Federation of Women Graduates funding looks really good, I'm going to apply for that.

A lot of the deadlines seem to be within the next two months so I better get on with applying in the next few weeks!

Is it a bad sign that the schools are taking so long with my PhD application?

I would contact them if I were you.

Worried about no funding during fourth year

I've seen this pdf book as well am I'm going to be applying to some of the charities listed on there in the next few weeks/months. There aren't that many we, as 4th year PhD students, are eligible for though. If you can't access the pdf I can send it to you.

My 2nd PhD interview

Short answer is yes, in my opinion. You need to demonstrate things such as ability to communicate, subject knowledge, interpersonal skills, enthusiasm... These things can't always be determined from CVs/cover letters - that's why there is an interview. The basic requirement is your qualifications, decent proposal etc - everyone who gets to the interview stage will have this. You have show why they should employ you over the other candidates.

Think how you could have improved your performance from the last interview, and use this as an opportunity to develop further. If you get this PhD, great, if not, consider it more experience and use it towards your next interview.

Read up online about interview technique, think of questions you may be asked and practice answering them. Show you want this position and make them like you and it's yours. Good luck :)

Why do we need to study what we studied during undergraduate?

It's definitely not a waste of time. Education is never a waste of time anyway, but it's a massive advantage to be able to draw on information from different disciplines when doing a PhD. It's much easier doing a PhD in a subject you are already knowledgeable about as well. You need to know the basics.

Finished PhD but still unemployed

Could be an issue with the quality of your CV. Have you had someone look it over for you?

Is it enough to apply PhD without a undergraduate degree?

How can he have an MSc without a degree? I've never heard of this.