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Which one comes first??

I agree with Chickpea. But if you are already familiar with the literature and the key elements of your argument (but just haven't yet shaped it up into fully written up literature review) I think it is fine to start on the methodology.

What is the earliest you have ever arrived at the lab/office

Hi Bev! Yeh, I think it is the change that does it - shocks the system into doing some work!

What is the earliest you have ever arrived at the lab/office

I love this thread! For me it is about 7:50am. But I've stayed pretty late. Easier to work when everyone is out of the way, I find!

Should you leave your fully funded PhD to a self-funded one because you dislike the place

Importantly, if you moved elsewhere, you may not get the supportive atmosphere, nice program or supervisor like you have now. If you can keep persevering things will probably get better on the social/cultural front. You may not believe it now, but it will happen. It took me 2.5 years to finally feel at home when I moved to do my undergraduate (I remember the exact day I started to feel at home) - and that was just a North/South difference in the same country.

My advice is don't stop yet. Tell yourself, I can stop right now if I want to... it is my decision. Then just keep on going. Give yourself a time frame like a year - and review your situation again then.

Textbook help

I sold mine at uni. Put a poster up on the notice board and they were all sold in no time. No postage costs either.

Who is really enjoying their PhD.

I agree - recruitment is potentially stressful, especially if you're recruiting a special group such as children or individuals with a certain diagnosis. I kind of wish I was recruiting for experiments that could be done by any student! But then that wouldn't answer my research questions : )

Potential postdoc versus potential lectureship

I'd go to for the postdoc interview for the experience but wait for the possible lectureship. Worst case scenario - you get the postdoc, turn it down, and then you don't get offered the lectureship... you still have the experience of both interviews. But I think you've been tipped that you'll get a lectureship - and your chances are up as more than one is going to be advertised! Just my opinion... : )

Just share my feelings coz there is no one i can talk to

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! All the best!

Journal papers from PhD

I should add - I'm at a UK institution.

Thesis Research Proposal in Applied Linguistics - HELP!!!

I am not sure people here will be able to help as we can't see your proposal... But you have had feedback from the ones who matter... can you apply their feedback - e.g., make it more specific? Also can you suggest some alternatives to them and see what they think of that? Good luck.

Journal papers from PhD

I checked this for my masters thesis and apparently you can copy and paste parts, since it is only going to be published once (as in the journal). When I did it for my masters paper, I ended up rewriting parts anyway to make it fit in the word limit and only include the relevant parts (which included getting rid of LOADS of references to save words).

Just share my feelings coz there is no one i can talk to

I think I might ask to see the references if possible (we can do that in the UK). Other than that - I just don't know. But you can ask them for feedback right?

Who is really enjoying their PhD.

I'm enjoying mine - just 5 months in (woah, scary now I've written that... time is flying). Most people I know are enjoying it. I get the impression there are certain pressure points - like when something is due or when faced with a challenge - and that is when a lot of people will come and write on here asking for advice.

I don't know how to pick the right university....

Hello! It just sounds like a decision you have to weigh up and make yourself. I personally would go for the more prestigious one because that is important to me, visiting home doesn't matter much to me, funding is really important to me, and I am sure I would develop an interest in the project as time went on (unless it was REALLY different from my interests). So - what are the more important things to you? If you think about that it might help you make your choice.
Good luck in making your decision.

Just share my feelings coz there is no one i can talk to

I can't think what could possibly make you a stronger applicant. My field is a little more related (psychology) and was very competitive too. But there are only so many boxes you can tick. Have you seen the references written about you? And are those existing projects you are applying for or are you are you submitting your own project/idea? If the latter then it may be that you would need to have identified potential supervisors who are interested in the project.