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No motivation, always procrastinating - is there any hope?

Yes, this is the exact same situation for me as well, except the last part. I have my family, so even though I don't have many friends, I feel I have a social life with my family. So for parts of the day I manage to ignore the fact that I'm lazy and worthless. But when it comes to the PhD and my "research", I absolutely feel lonely and isolated. I will take a look on the video you mention. Do you see any way "out" of this? How long have been working on your phd?

I'm coming to my end of second year. Have a report due in by 31st of this month to present two years worth of work and an internal panel will decide if i'll be allowed in to 3rd year.
I have no idea at this point if I'll make it...

No motivation, always procrastinating - is there any hope?

I have a similar problem. I feel absolutely unproductive and worthless which leads to even less productivity.
Considering I have a great and encouraging supervisor just exacerbates my guilt and self doubt. Recently watched a video on Youtube called "7 Ways to Maximize Misery" and it really hit me how every single thing mentioned in it applied to me. I've been given a great opportunity, to better myself and reach my potential, yet I'm just wasting it away.
Discussing my project with others is not really an option as everybody else is doing really different things which leaves me feeling lonely and isolated. Don't really have friends or a social life to speak of. I eat and sleep excessively while feeling slow and lethargic.

Lonely PhD

I know how you feel Patchi. I'm in similar situation where all the people from my group have left and I'm the only one working long hours in the lab. To top it of, my group is not getting any new PhDs for next year's intake. It's going to a long and boring year.