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help me please!!!

you know what juno, i think ur right! ive been so worried that i cant do it ive been making it worse! but no more! thanks! and btw, anyone know exactly what an envelope function is in stastical analysis?!

help me please!!!

hey guys!
ok, so when I found out I got my PhD it was the best thing ever and its the only thing i wanted to do when i finished my undergrad degree! However, I have just started and while I'm really into it, and can't wait to really get stuck into it, I'm finding the first few weeks a nightmare! For some reason I just can't concentrate properly and even after cancelling all social life in favour of a good nights sleep, I find myself falling asleep every afternoon at my desk! I'm feeling like a bit of a fraud right now, and I'm just waiting for my supervisor to find me out!
Is this normal for starting a PhD and any tips on staying awake?!!

PhD vs. Relationships

i think badhaircut is right here. it sounds like ur b/f (and also ur mate) think it is perfectly reasonable for you to give up ur phd for a ur partner, disregarding all the work u put into getting a phd in the first place never mind the 4 years you have already done. perhaps ur b/f is feeling threatened by ur success so far and would prefer if you were to rely on him for security, financial and otherwise. ask yourself if he would give up his career for you. and also, y is it ok for him to see u unannounced but u need permission to see him? not a very equal relationship hun, im sure u know u can do better than that!

PhD vs. Relationships

it seems to me like ur boyf is trying to manipulate u into spending more time with him. he's used to having u around whenever it suits him, but now that u are busy with ur phd and other commitments he cant control how u spend ur time and him ignoring ur calls and sms's is a classic guilt trip so ul feel bad and give in to him.. u havent said how long u have been together or how far into ur phd u are but i think u need to decide what is most important for u right now and be assertive with ur decision.