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A Very Serious Plumbing Problem - [Men Only]


Sounds to me like it's time to take better care of yourself, I'm assuming you've been checking the "cistern blocks" for lumps as that's one possibility. Mostly I'd say stress is what is likely to be causing this issue. I've certainly noticed a decrease in my libido and ability to perform during the most stressful stages of my PhD which generally returns when I get some time to relax/unwind, but steer clear of the booze, that can also affect things quite badly, any more than 4 drinks for me these days, and we're best not bothering.


Another one ignoring the men only - sorry :-) I agree whole heartedly, its likely to be stress, exhaustion and then having a little hydraulics problem that then leads to a bigger hydraulics problem through worrying about it. Everyone knows (I presume) about brewer's droop - well known - and mixing that with the stress and depression will kill any activity in that particular area.....

Do get yourself checked out, but you say there are no blockages in the cistern, you won't have any limescale yet - way too young, do you smoke? That can do it too. The vast majority of these plumbing issues (and I have my nurse hat on here) are psychological and nothing to do with any broken bits, particularly at your age, but its always best to check it out with your plumber, then your mind is at rest there - they've all seen it, its sooooo common!

As for the new relationship, as the others have said if she's worth bothering with she'll understand - us girls have plenty of hangups of our own - massive ones, and tbh I think that if we had to rely on plumbing and hydraulics we'd never get anywhere cos we're so stressed out about how we look, how we should act, what he thinks, is my belly too loose, has he seen my cellulite, etc etc etc etc etc lol - we'd never get anywhere! If she's in you for the guy you are and not what you do in that dept only then she'll be fine :-)

======= Date Modified 10 Jun 2010 22:44:10 =======
Yeah, Wal, errmmm I hope us ladies responding, in spite of the men only title, is ok.


Eska, I'm just really glad this forum is anonymous. I'd hate to walk into my uni and some random stranger ask, 'How's your plumbing?' Anyway, it'll be no more embarrassing than having my GP look under my car bonnet and ask exactly what I've been up to (it's not like you can get the clap off reading a journal article), when I go to my appointment next week. I'll feel like I'm 16 going on 66. I'm more nervous about this appointment than giving a major conference presentation.


I think most men would enjoy going to the doctor, if only to be told that everything is fine apart from that sports injury that you got many years ago, which nothing can now be done about.

This gives me the idea for a new poster campaign - "Man up, go to the doctor" and "Daddy, I thought real men go to the doctor". Hmmm, may try and sell that to the NHS. The good thing is when I fail at least I can blame cutbacks (it's like I blame being unemployed in 2008 on the world financial crisis - world structural problems absolve the individual of any responsibility.)


I like your thinking Slizor :-)

Seriously, there is NOTHING to be embarrassed about (I know, easy to say), but honestly there isn't - hydraulics can be messed up so easily by all sorts of things! Try being a girl lol! ;-) I can understand though why you'd prefer to not have it discussed f2f on campus though ;-) It doesn't make you any less of a man or any less operational in the long run, its just one of those things that can happen any more than you'd be embarrassed about having appendicitis or the flu. Hope the plumber is able to reassure you

Good point Stressed.

Your lady friend will be worried about timing your advances against her time of the month. so plumbing is on everyones mind!

Anyway, spill..........who's the lady? :-x

======= Date Modified 11 Jun 2010 17:25:13 =======
Indeed, wal, lets get down to the important stuff, who's the lady?

Also, could it be a bit of new venue anxiety, so to speak? I think everybody gets that to some degree.


Ah, please don't think that I started this thread because I was thinking about having intimate relations with a woman. We've only known each other for a month and 'that' is a long way down the line. I've just noticed that my body has changed behaviour and was worried about what it meant. Any road, this lady...

She works for a charity, she's very nice and a lot of fun to be around. She even gets my stupid jokes, or at least laughs at them to humour me. She does text and ring me an awful lot though. However, the thing that works well is she understands that I'm very busy with work and that, although I do my best to spend the little time I have with her, I can't give her as much attention as she deserves at the moment. But things will be different in maybe 6 months and so and we can get more serious about things.

So, yeah, I'm quite please about things. I can't believe I'm discussing this on a water pressure fault thread. :$


Glad you got an appointment sorted. Sounds like all is going well, so once it's sorted I'm sure you'll be well away! Just hope you don't get a leaky tap... ;-)


======= Date Modified 11 Jun 2010 22:50:31 =======
Sounds great - hope it works out for you - a shared sense of humour is sooooooooooooo important

(I mean the relationship)