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Belle de Jour is a Post doc !?!

Blimey! It's all going off on here... Just think if they sack the blogger, morally they should also sack all other academics who have used prostitutes, and who have been prostitutes: there'd be a massive shortage of academic and we'd all be quids in! No more job worries eh. Bagsy the post of head an art school. If they sack her without a 'john' witch-hunt I will be outraged. I'd be pretty appalled anyway.

Yeah, Wally, I reckon escorting is defo prostitution/sex work or whateve.


Quote From cleverclogs:

From a government paper 'Paying the Price, a consultation paper on prostitution, has been published to prompt a public debate on how to deal with the issues raised by prostitution in England and Wales'

What problems are caused by the existence of a sex ‘trade’?

2.17 Prostitution makes victims of many of those involved in it, and of those communities in which it takes place.
Key concerns include:
-the nuisance caused to neighbourhoods through noise, litter and harassment
-the impact on the neighbourhood in terms of undermining economic regeneration
-and neighbourhood renewal
-the advertising of prostitution, particularly through soliciting on the street and
-the use of prostitutes’ cards
-the spread of sexually and drug transmitted infections
-increasing use of the internet as a grooming/advertising medium
-links with drug abuse / markets
-links with criminality, including robbery
-related violence, including serious assaults against those involved in prostitution
-the increasing stigmatisation and social exclusion of those involved in prostitution
-the abuse of children through prostitution
-the impact on their families
-people trafficking for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation
-the effect on the attitudes of men to women, and on gender equality more generally.

I just skimmed that paper. Most of the figures are in the form of 'as many as X%' - powerful statistical analysis there ;-)

It also says "There are no identified benefits associated with prostitution" - well presumably for someone like BdJ there is one big benefit: money.

Quite frankly, the paper looks to be just as bullshit as your argument...


Quote From Melsie:

Quite frankly, the paper looks to be just as bullshit as your argument...

If you think prostitution should be legalized go take it up with your local MP.


My God, I was looking forward to the possible Pacqiou - Mayweather fight hopefully next year. After witnessing the aggressiveness of this sparring, it's kind of taken the shine off it...


Good grief - I only went off for a few hours to work and come back to this!!!!

Cleverclogs (and oh aren't you just) you are a biologist, not a social or political scientist, or you may have seen the errors in your arguments. You come across as a bigotted, high brow, morally 'superior' (and I don't mean that in a good way) sort of person. The paper you quote is a standard mishmash figures, statistics can show what you please document and does not relate in any way to the reality for a large number of sex workers. I personally do believe that to a certain extent prostitution should be legalised and the girls better protected. Prostitution has been about for as long as men have wanted women and the moral degradation you so fear does not appear to be causing too many issues. Indeed, prostitution is nowhere near as rampant now as it was in the past, so hopefully you won't have to worry too much.

I'm very much an each to their own sort of person. I personally would not choose to follow that path, however, if another woman feels that that is a means to end for herself then provided she is protected good luck to her and she should not be submitted to a 17th century style witch hunt!


Quote From cleverclogs:

If I'm so wrong then why is prostitution illegal?  Why are government ministers and police in this country constantly working to eradicate both the demand for, and provision of, prostitution?

Why, wait a minute, prostitution is not illegal everywhere. Surely that means something. In some countries where it is currently illegal there is an ongoing debate about 'reopening brothels' because if those were legal it'd be a way to control women and children trafficking, prostitutes could declare their real occupation and get appropriate medical attention, and so on - they could also pay taxes, by the way, which I suppose is of interest to many governments :p
Seriously, look at the case of Holland - they actually have things like pension funds and unions for sex workers. Theirs is clearly an example of legalisation bringing about a great number of solutions to a great number of problems... and the problems that are not solved yet can still be addressed openly.

Ok, the job remains unsafe all in all, but I think, given it has always existed and will always exist, legalisation is not necessarily the 'wrongest' route to go.

My, after all, until yesterday I thought that providing access to education was the best way for a government to keep girls out of this kind of jobs-on-the-side... How wrong! But what saddens me is that we always end up at the same point though - it's all about the money. Because really, if, to begin with, Higher education had remained free, I'm certain a great deal of this would not happen. I mean, you're brought up thinking you should avoid debt, and in this country you have no choice but to borrow so much, in order to finally get a job that pays so little, then you borrow even more to make sure you have a roof over your head... it never ends, and I think I understand why some girls might go for such dangerous options as prostitution in order to avoid that kind of life. I suppose it's easy to see it as the temporary hurdle that precedes a decent life, sort of.



Cleverclogs, might I ask where you are from? You tend to use Americanisations (using Z instead of S), and I was wondering if perhaps your cultural background or country of origin might indicate your strength of feeling on this


If I'm so wrong then why is prostitution illegal?

Lots of things were illegal in various times and places. Homosexuality. Blasphemy. Alcohol. Divorce. Women driving. Just because something is illegal doesnt automatically make it harmful.

A person can have an excellent material education, and have extensive knowledge about a science or philosophy, but be lacking in spiritual education. A person who possesses the loftiest material education but acts unjustly, for example, ought to be regarded as ignorant. There are many professors today who are highly uneducated.

Um, good luck with defending your viva with your "spiritual education".

I can imagine it now:

Examiner: "Your lit review was non-existant, methodology was crap and I think you have 15 individual errors on your results section"

Candidate: "Yes, but spiritually I am right. My research was morally sound. Therefore you should award me my PhD -without corrections!".

Personally, I wish Brooke Magnanti all the best in her research. She is a talented writer, bright, funny and articulate. Academia needs more like her and from my brief searches on pubmed she is well on the way to becoming a credible and valuable researcher.

On the other hand the idea that Cleverclogs may one day be in a position of responsibilty over young minds and an educator is frightening...


Perhaps, let's just let it go.... it takes all sorts I suppose.


What's the bets on Cameron announcing a new plan for Higher Education funding off the back off this - "let's replace top-up fees with topless fees!"

That bloke really doesn't have two policy ideas to rub together....and he's our next Prime Minister!


======= Date Modified 17 Nov 2009 00:27:57 =======
======= Date Modified 17 Nov 2009 00:25:01 =======

Quote From cleverclogs:

Quote From slowmo:

Other than the fact that punching someone causes physical harm to them. Rubbish comparison.

Prostitution causes harm to the individual, to the other person, and to society at large. It degrades the human station. Here are some statistics for you:

Suffer from post traumatic stress disorder: 48%

Threatened with a weapon: 78%

Physically assaulted: 82%

Raped: 82%

Raped more than five times: 73%

Current or past homelessness: 84%

As a child, was hit or beaten by a caregiver until injured or bruised: 49%

Sexually abused as a child: 65-95%

Upset by an attempt to make them do what had been seen in pornography: 32%

Pornography made of her in prostitution: 49%

Drugs: 75%

Alcohol: 26%

Would you leave prostitution: 87%

Need home or safe place: 78%

Need job training: 73%

Need health care: 58%

Need peer support: 50%

Need legal assistance: 42%

Need alcohol and drug treatment: 67%

Self defense training: 49%

Hun - you're really talking to the wrong person here. Trust me I have a lot of knowledge in this area. Prostitution can cause harm. Of course it can. Being a Police officer is also dangerous. Clearly you know all there is to know about prostitution without actually knowing anything. Have you ever met a hooker? I think it would be good for you to go out into the real world and educate yourself on this topic properly instead of just drawing from selective statistics to generalise the experiences of a very diverse population.


P.S the most signficant harm is caused by people like you who look down on and stigmatise sex workers constructing them as lesser human beings.


Cleverclogs - of "animal nature vs. spiritual nature" fame - is a biologist?! Priceless.

Does her thesis defend the following taxonomy, do you think:

Knights/Local Officials
Yeomen Farmers
Soldiers/Town Watch
Household Servants
Tennant Farmers


Magictime, that is, in a word, *marvellous* (up):-)


I'm quite happy to put forward views contrary to the status quo. I need only look at the disintegration of the world around me to know there must be ignorant people willing to defend its decadent standards.

Also, you may want to look up the definition of ad hominem to understand why I'm winning this debate.