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Did anyone else put on weight, or was it just me???


lol - I decided some months ago to grow my hair colour out so that I could remind myself of my 'natural' colour before I start going gray!


I was quite upset to discover thie morning that the scale read closer to 10st that 9st...


I meant than


That happened to me once; I seemed to have gone from 8 stone to 10 and a half stone. Turned out my electronic scales had gotten wet from shower steam and were buggered. Tip: only use mechanical scales!


See, my weight seems to go between 9 and a half stone to 10 stone 4lbs without me seeming to change much about diet or lifestyle. Does this happen to anyone else? (I'm not overweight, thankfully as am 5ft 9).


Not me, but I watch pretty carefully now cos I used to be overweight. Could be fluid retention, maybe?


I stay the same weight even when I go down dress sizes, I think all scales are weird and maybe a bit evil.


I thought it would take me a week to work off my Christmas fat, but its going to take about a month of solid excercise! Think I drank more than I thought I had!!


You sound like me Bobby, just an inch taller! Just bought a stepper and have been sweating out half an hour a day this week - we'll see how long that lasts! Prefer myself at 9 1/2, although I'm told I'm too skinny at that weight... pish!


I put on a few pounds too What do people think of the BMI? According to this site (and others) I'm just overweight - middle of the normal range for me is 8 1/2 stone, but I could be 7 1/2 and still be "ideal" weight. Does the ideal range go too low? Are any of you guys middle of the range "ideal"? Do we really have to change our thinking about weight? I read somewhere that instead of looking at thin people and thinking they look ill, we should really be looking at overweight people as if THEY are ill.
Losing weight is really hard work - I got a cross trainer a few months ago and I have to 'run' 9 kilometres to work off 200 calories (according to its counter)...


That is ridiculous. I am BMI 21.96 (but my conversions of metres (1.75m) to feet and inches and kg (65kg) to stones may have been dodgy) - which is middle of "ideal". But whenever I go clothes shopping, I am always beyond a "Large" size. If they only have Small, Medium, Large - often I don't fit the about depressing.

I am on a "diet" - just trying to be good and exercise every day - because I am bigger than I would like to be.

Just go with how you feel about yourself, I say. Bugger the scales and the BMI.


Male opinion on this thread is curiously absent! I say bugger it all, I'm sure you all look lovely


aww, coastman, you're a cutie! I think my BM1 goes between about 20. something and 21. something, so I guess I'm in the middle! I normally have to buy and 8-10 on the top half but a 10-12 on the bottom. Goddamn my stuids hips1


I think they've agreed that BMI only works with certain body types, as anyone with a fair amount of muscle would seem overweight. George Clooney and Brad Pitt would be obese if their BMI's were anything to go by. I think the waist measurement is a better indication if you are healthy.


Sue, you must be the same as me (5 foot 2): I can supposedly be between 7 and a half and nine and a half, but I look chubby at nine stone or over. I'm 8 stone now but it's a constant effort not to overeat; i do like my food

As for clothes sizes, I find teenage clothes (age 13) are the best fit, but they're all a bit cartoony