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do you like what you do?


Like the title, do you like what you do? The real question, how important to you is that you like your jobs. I mean here only the job description and daily tasks and not meaning the management or salary or closeness of work to home.
For me, I am a very passionate person who is very keen to do what he loves. I do not believe much in the quote "If you do not do what you love, love what you do". Of course one has to accept to a certain degree that they are not getting their dream job but this does not give the green light to give up our dreams. I believe if I cannot get 100% of my dream job, I would be satisfied with 60% match or it but not with 10%.

To be honest I sort of like what I do. I am not that passionate about my day-to-day work per se but I get a warm fuzzy feeling about my field and working towards a low carbon economy. I am a rather lazy person but knowing my work might help save the planet (however minuscule) motivates me far more than enjoying my work. As long as the day-to-day work isn't too difficult I am happy to get pleasure from my social life and treat my work as a job. I think it would be different if I was working on something that had zero impact or was more stressful.

Saying that, I did a placement year as part of undergraduate course and I enjoyed the work but hated my boss by the end of it. My boss was a nice guy and we got on well but his management style drove me nuts (everything was a priority) to the extent I turned down a full-time job there because of him. The work itself was very interesting and I was definitely passionate about the job, however my manager eventually killed my motivation because he never knew when to end a project. I could work on something on the side for a couple of months to the point there was negligible returns but he would still expect constant progress on it while still starting new projects. At that point I realised having a good manager was just as important as the job itself.

I find my PhD labwork rather boring and monotonous although my supervisor seems to value it. I can help other PhD students/lecturers and they appreciate my work which is a massive positive. Is it my dream job, not really, but a good work atmosphere can compensate for a lot of things.

Why do you ask, are things going okay?

EDIT: 1000th post!


Congratulations rewt for the 1000th post :) . I am on my way to move to a new job. In my field, what I am looking for requires a lot of study and effort but I am happy to do this to get a job I like (not necessarily the dream job). I ask this question because I ask myself, does it worth this effort to work for something you are passionate about?
If I seek a less difficult job in my field, I might find it easier and get the same pay. But this is not what I want and I believe I will not be happy. Do anyone think that "loving your job" is that important? or is it something to earn a living? I ask this in the context of PhD students/graduates where more likely they are passionate about their work.

Congratulations on the new job!
In the context of a cynical PhD student, do what makes you happy. Everyone is different and we derive happiness from different sources. So I wouldn't worry if it is worth the effort to get the job you want as long as you think it is worth it.


I have not got a new job yet but working hard on it and apply everywhere. I will keep positive.
You are right. Everyone should seek own validation but sometimes it is good to hear the opinion of others because other perspectives can broaden your views.