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Geek-tastic presents - what did you get?


Poor Superman, all you wanted was a clipboard!

My mum still seems to think I'm 15 (I think parents get an impression of you at a certain age and stick with it for the rest of your life. When my step-dad came to see my new flat he was astounded that it's clean and tidy- 'but you were so messy as a teenager!') so most of the presents I get are pink and fluffy- pink socks, pink pyjamas, a pink mobile phone holder in the shape of a stiletto... My brother always gets me books, which I'm thankful for, so I got a hard back book about the history of the English language. But my most geek-tastic present was a portable external hard drive from my dad. On my birthday I got a laptop and last christmas I got some kind of high-tech memory stick...

======= Date Modified 13 Jan 2010 11:01:31 =======
Hey KC, loving the pink mobile phne holder in the shape of a stiletto! That must have taken some finding, my mum still buys me chocolate coins and puts them in a pillow case along with a tangerine 50p, some new knickers and a calendar, all from santa - the calendar appeared when I became a grown up, all the other bits have been Santa staples since I can remember.   


Your mum is definitely more clucky than mine Eska - my mother phased out stockings years ago, much to my disgust. I now do them for everyone myself (and insist that hubby does one for me!). And knickers are an essantial component, although I can't think why.

Keepcalm I must confess, I had a new memory pen on my amazon wishlist and it duly materialized, ah the joys of bright pink data storage (tree)


Eska - he really is such a gorgeous puppy, the prettiest dog I've ever seen - best xmas pressie ever! Very distracting and attention-seeking though, so I try to get loads of work done when he's asleep, its like having a baby in the house!

Whats a whizzo stereo?? Ejc - your e-reader sounds good can you put journal articles (pdfs) from websites on them or just the e-books?


Wal, my mum insists on buying me those bic bumper packs everytime she sees me...I have a major surplus of them, although they all either have chewed lids or no lids at all due to said lids being already chewed to pieces...a very bad habit of mine.

I got some paper clips for christmas...although I was quite disappointed as I was looking forward to getting those stripy coloured paper clips, but I only got plain ones :( sigh.


You need the paper clip bird from oliver bonas Button! My friend got me one for my birthday, it "nests" on the clips in a very cute fashion.

HA, HA hilarious Wally: nice picture of your hair too! See you ain't made it to the hairdresser's yet...

A whizzo stereo is one yhat is much bigger than I expected and with all sorts of features ad functons that I don't understand. And it's got eco features.


Quote From eska:

HA, HA hilarious Wally: nice picture of your hair too! See you ain't made it to the hairdresser's yet...

Very perceptive of you, Eska. I haven't yet made it to the hair dressers, as it happens, but I swear my hair isn't that bad! Besides, the gentleman in that pic has much more control over his sweeping fringe than I have:p

I got a tumble dryer :-( and I got some sticky pads which you put on the bottom of your socks and they keep your feet warm, they are like the thermacare back wraps.

Best present was from husband who gave me every modern adaptation of every classic imaginable (those not already owned) on blu ray/dvd e.g. wuthering heights, bleak house, little dorrit, emma, mansfield park, northanger abbey, sense and sensibility - all bliss!

I also got the twilight books which I am ashamed to say I am addicted to :$


Quote From caz:

Quote From jinkim65:

My favourite present was this uber fantastic egg-shaped japanese cat which meows when you pet it, and says stuff in japanese, and when you play with it too much, it gets really angry.

Wow!! What make is it/where can I get one??? It sounds awesome!

My bf got it from I think. They're awesome. I swear!!

Sneaks, when I was 19 my mom randomly bought me a tumble dryer for xmas (she's known for the randomness of her gifts). I was in uni a good 3 hours away, and it baffled me... how was I to get it to uni, where would I put it in my tiny house, and just why?? Not to seem ungrateful it went back with me and never got used, so ended up back with my mom. I think my brother now has it. I'm not sure. I might look into that.


I got Pokemon! and the nintendo DS to play it on. I love pokemon and have never had my own game-thing, always had to borrow my brothers'. Oh and a itty bitty booklight and matching page-holder-open-thingy. They are the best. A great christmas :) (tree)