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the film review thread

yes, want to see four lions, but apparently our local cinemas have stopped showing it because it might offend people :-s hmm, megan fox dripped over a motorbike offends me, but I don't see that being pulled!


Four Lions is absolutely hilarious! Best film of the year in my opinion. Definitely worth watching (up)


Quote From sneaks:

has anyone seen slumdog millionaire? I kind of think I should watch it because everyone else has, but it looks a bit dull.

I thought it looked a bit boring too and didn't go to see it when it came out. Saw it a couple of months ago on telly though and was pleasantly suprised. It's not amazing or anything, but I thought it was actually very watchable, and certainly worth seeing if you get the chance.


I saw SATC2 last night and it was dire. Just sad that I can't get those 2 1/2 hours back again. :-( I would have walked out but I was there with friends.


Hi Guys

Just watched Priscilla, queen of the desert, It's and old film (1994) but i've only just watched it, thought it was pretty good, I'd say probably a 4/5. It's about a musical impersinations group consisting of one transvestite and two cross dressers touring Australia on a bus they call Priscilla, It has comedic moments, and a few more serious elements to it.


Cobra, Commando, the seminal and inspirational Rocky movies, Rambo - this is the movie that should have topped them all. Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Swartzenigger, Bruce Willis, Dolph Lundgren, Mickey Rourke, Chow Yun Fat and...Jason Statham[wtf???] - Crufts for eighties action movie heroes. I was so, so excited to watch this movie to see Stallone hand in hand with all of my favourite heroes fighting a renegade army, hopeless out-gunned and out-manned, but by no way out matched. So what went wrong...

Let's start from the beginning. The Expendables is a film about a group of mavericks, ex-soldiers, for hire to the highest bidder. They take on any work, no matter how dangerous or impossible, such as fighting drug cartels or guerilla armies. Anyway, they're hired to take on a guerilla army who deal in drugs - but there's a twist (I won't ruin it for you). There's all the usual essential components to an eighties action movie - machine guns, kung-fu and incredibly witty one-liners. Like 'this machine gun shoots 250 bullets at minute and makes a big sound. There'll here me coming - but that's all!'

So what went wrong? Well, it is deep sadness, bitter disappointment and a little bit of anger that I have to announce it didn't work. For a start, Jason Statham is not an 80s action movie hero! He's a poor man's Bruce Willis. Speaking of which Arnie and Willis are only in it for about 2 minutes. And Stallone! What's happened to his face? It doesn't move. He looks like a cross between his mum and (with his fixed, highly arched eye brows) the genie from Aladdin. And then there's the chemistry between them. Sorry, but a crack team of commandos don't start talking about therapy and ex girlfriends. That's not how it works in 80s action movies. Rambo never wined - apart from at the end of Rambo 1.

Having said that, I did think that the last 30 minutes was high octane action! A flurry of gunfire, an exploding building and some an exciting final fight scene in which Stallone partly redeems his botoxed face. In conclusion, the movie is Expendable.


Apologies for the typos - I was in a rush!


Just when I see this thread up and running again...we watched Drag Me To Hell last night, and I must say I really enjoyed it! It started like a really old demon movie that you would see on TV at 12 or 1am, and had elements of that style the whole way through, but it did a good job of building up the suspense and anticipation, and I definitely jumped a few times. That said, there were some cringe-worthy cheesy lines and occasionally terrible acting, but overall I liked it!

Tamara Drew is so, so, ssooooooowwwooooooooowwwwwwwww worth seeing. Stephen Frears does it again, and one very, very good reason to keep the British film council afloat.

======= Date Modified 19 Sep 2010 07:23:48 =======
Thanks to Wal's review I managed to persuade hubs he didn't need to see the expendables :-)

I really want to see Tamara Drew - I have a slight girl crush on Gemma Arterton, I want to be her!

I've just found the computer open on the Odeon page, with times to see resident evil 3d today, so i guess we'll be seeing that and I can report back.

I went to see resident evil 3d last night. As someone who isn't that interested in the films or the games, my review may be biased. It was awful. There was NO plot and given that it was 3d you would have at least expected A LOT of gruesome zombi shots e.g. zombi guts exploding, zombies tearing flesh or something - nothing.The first 45 mins seemed to be Mila jovovich doing a video diary.

My hubby who plays the games said he understood what was going on,but to somene who hasn't played the games it just didn't make any sense. THere were characters who just turned up and went without any explanation.

It was the first 3d film I've watched though (I know I know, I'm behind the times), apart from an amazing short film I watched at the Imax cinema in futuroscope about 15 years ago. I thought the 3d was ok, but very delayed or something when there were real actors, and only looked half decent when it was CGI/animation, which is what my parents said about Avatar.


I have recently seen Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps. Gordon Gekko is back, but mainly at the back, because you don't see much of him in the film. The funniest bit of the film is at the beginning and then it all gets very boring, very quickly. Shia LaBeouf is the new protege this time, though Charlie Sheen, aka Budd Fox, makes a smarmy appearance about half way in to the movie to let everyone know how rich he is (he doesn't have a PhD though:p).
The main problems I found with the film, include Shia LaBeouf (this isn't transformers, so get lost!), Oliver Stone making 3 vanity appearances in the movie (erm, get back in your director's chair!) and the general lack of any serious plot. It's about the onset of the wall street crash in 2008; Gekko wants to get close to his daughter again but doesn't really but does; Gekko manipulates Shia LaBeouf, who is marrying his daughter to try and get close to her; Gekko succeeds and robs millions of pounds out of her trust fund; Gekko become stupidly rich and successful once again; Gekko seeks redemption by giving the money back to his daughter. Then it ends. So, yeah, pretty straightforward really.
Would I recommend it? I'd answer that by saying: how desperately do what want to procrastinate?

Ah, procrastination at its best :-)

This week I have seen (yes i know I'm supposed to be submitting the draft, but had to keep hubby entertained while he was off work)...

Transformers 3 - verdict: ok, but there was a lot of faffing about at the beginning trying to set up the plot, presumably because they had to shoe horn in 'big lippy' (can't remember her real name) at the last minute and desparately had to have an excuse for her to be in the film. To quote hubby "the beginning was way too long, where were the f***ing robots?" - it got better towards the end, although I can't for the life of me work out how the leading lady managed to slide down a glass building in 6 inch laboutins and still have them on, in tact at the end, and wearing white (wtf?). Leading man also lacked any inspiration. Again to quote husband "would have been much better if it was all robots, no humans"


Sneaks .. your spelling here doesnt seem too bad 8-)-- and NO I am not stalking you:$

now to transformers.. I thought I would watch transformers one last night because I wanted a recap since I watched it 7 years ago or something ridiculous like that!! LAWD!!! I doubt i will be going to the cinema to watch number three ... REALLY.. it was faff galore and megan fox in funny poses so we could see she had a fantastic stomach etc!! I was exhausted... and Optimus prime doesnt turn up till almost 3/4 way through the movie :-s considering he was the main reason I liked the movie in the first place .. I couldnt bare the cheese anymore and fowarded a bunch of it ... long story short ...THE HUMANS ARE A WATSE OF SPACE on transformers....grrrhhhh so once again .. I am not going to watch transformers as I couldnt bare to see more cheese!!!!

rant over ... anyone got any good procrastination movies in mind at the moment?8-)

I also watched harry potter, I wanted to watch bridesmaids but apparently hubby's generosity was stretched with harry potter so that was a no go.