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ADVICE PLEASE! dream job - post-viva, but should I apply?


Thanks, all, for the voices of reason! Sometimes I do want to shake myself!

I do think I can do this job (and I think I'm the best person when it comes to some areas, e.g. pastoral care), but realism is difficult to circumnavigate when it comes to confidence

How do newbie post-docs, when applying for lectureships, still remain optimistic in the knowledge that there will be others who have been, for instance, working in industry jobs (in my field, there's much cross-over), or even more competitively, working in post-doc research posts, for several years, writing dozens of papers, presenting at dozens of conferences, waiting for this sort of thing to come up? It's very difficult to remain positive and 'sell' one self in these conditions!
(I know several people who are likely to apply - they've each written numerous papers, several books, and have a PGCHE (which I can't even start, because I need to be able to demonstrate that I can teach 50 hours - and, when I ask around, this just isn't available in my particular area of expertise). They also don't have disabilities or dyslexia.)

I feel that, as the pay is really good for this job - 32-43k!!! Compared to the usual post-doc of 21k in my field - it's really aimed to entice those already in lecturing positions. But then why tantalise the lowly post-phd with the rather basic entrance criteria? I suppose to attract some brilliant & well-published newbie??

Don't mean to be on a downer - I'm so grateful for all of the positive comments and encouragement, these mean a great deal

It's comforting that others have the same doubts, yet muster the determination to stick at it - good luck getting your dream jobs!

(When I was doing my PhD, it felt like I was pulling a cart load of millstones behind me up hill. I anticipate that being a post-doc will feel more like wading through treacle!)


You know what, you're doing it again :p

Yes there are always people who have more books, more publications, more of whatever than you, but does that mean that they are right for this job? That's a standard lecturer's salary scale at my uni. There is far more to appointing than just looking at the spec on the CV, it has to be someone who can communicate that knowledge to the students and some people, with all the publications, industry experience, whatever, in the field are utter rubbish at doing that. It also has to be someone who works for the good of the dept and will blend in well with existing staff (in an ideal world). Some of the lecturers in my dept completed their phd at the uni and went straight into their lectureships, newbies, just like you ;-)

You can do the job, you have the knowledge, the rest comes with time, they know that and if it turns out that you're a better fit than someone who has dozens of publications then you'll get it - they know that you'll continue to research etc. some people go for plenty of these positions and then get the right one, others walk into the first one. Don't second guess the panel, maybe someone else will be better for it than you, but maybe they won't - is that not the same in any job in any field?


Thanks very much for that, Stressed

I'm looking a bit more on the bright side now!

All the points you mentioned - this is very positive. I get on well with the staff, and have a great loyalty towards the dept. - I would certainly give my best, and would like to replicate the fabulous learning experiences, and support, that I received. So maybe I can get this, and my enthusiasm, across?

Didn't realise this is standard pay level for lectureships - I'm more used to the crummy industry jobs, which pay very poorly!

It's cheered me up somewhat that it's not only about academic achievements. Possibly they're advertising at this level to get someone with potential - in my more confident momements, I feel I can go on to produce good work

Cheers! (up)


I am relieved that somebody has the same worries as I do.  I am thinking about the future too as the end is insight and I would love to get a postdoc however they are in short supply at the moment. Well most of the time so when a position comes up it's very competitive!  So how does one secure a position as even if you do get to the interview stage you find out that everybody has already done a postdoc so you don't really have much of a chance as you don't have enough experience. How do you get past this stage as surely everybody needs to start off someone after finishing their thesis?  I know some people are very lucky and they get a position through their supervisor or write proposals with other academics but I have never been good at networking so have not much chance of landing a position that way. Has anyone any suggestions of what I can do to get a postdoc?  I'm told publications and patience is essential but how long does it take? I need to get a move on and get a job but I would like to be able to use my skills and I really enjoy research I think a postdoc will be an ideal job as I want to stay in academia.  I have been thinking about other possibilities but I am worried if I go outside of academia I may not be as competitive as someone who has stayed inside of academia. I also tend to find that it is quite cliquey so you have to maintain links and be with the "in crowd" to stand a chance.  Ay suggestions would be greatly appreciated.