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argh! is it possible to write 8,000 words in four days?


I think he might be sleeping.


I did it! (just, an extra day needed to footnote and sort out) I have no idea about quality. I guess I'll find out in my panel meeting! Eek!


Well done!!

you have really achieved something! Take a good break and get yourself a reward!


i did it as well. recovering now


well done, both of you! i hope you're enjoying your well deserved rest!


just curious to know if you have managed to write your 8000 words by last friday? if yes, congratulations!!


UPDATE: Yes it is possible to write 10,000 words in four days. But they will be crap and you'll have to do them again. Like I did. Now, a month later I have just finished the redraft. It is 10,500 words and is much better, albeit not perfect, because nothing is!


Chris-rolo did you do it?


I mean how? Did you have to hit the redbull and put your phone on silent? I am totally up against it and may have to do some thing similar?


I did it with a combination of:

a) coffee, and the herbal tea when the caffine was too much
b) needy text messages to boyfriend
c) fear
d) lack of sleep
e) no shower or shaving for 4 days



you can do that if you have a clear outline and details in your mind, otherwise it's a mission impossible,more time is given thought


Well I just got a book called 'How to Write a Thesis' by Rowena Murray and the title of the first chapter is 'How to write 1000 words an hour'. So supposedly you could write 8000 words in an 8-hour day!!! I will tell if it works once I've read the book