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Constantly Anxious


Hey Keep_Calm, I have been rather anxious of late what with important meetings and presentations and deadlines etc, and it can take over, even when you're not actually in the middle of stressing over something in particular. I guess I want to sing the praises of exercise really- I know everyone knows that they should exercise anyway, but it really makes a huge huge difference. Personally, if I really want to just switch off I go to the gym and listen to my ipod (a combination of trance and cheesy rubbish about being strong and moving mountains etc- you get the picture!). If I go in there all stressed about something I can guarantee I'll come out a lot calmer, often having been able to think things through and put them into perspective. If you need something more distracting because you don't want to spend an hour in the gym worrying about your problems, you could try aerobics or something and drag a friend with you. Usually you have to learn routines etc to music so you have to concentrate on what you're doing, which doesn't leave you with time to be stressed about work. And it's fun too! Kickboxing is great for de-stressing, but is pretty hardgoing! Or if I'm really tired and can't really be bothered, I like to go swimming, which I find is really soothing somehow, without being knackering. I tend to stay away from anything competitive when I'm really stressed cos that can make me worse lol!
Just grab a friend and try some stuff out...I go mad if I go for more than a day without my exercise- it's worth making time for! Have fun :)


Hi KeenBean,

You're completely right and I will definately be giving this a go. It's silly really, there's a beautiful park just at the end of my road which I absolutely love strolling around and I haven't done it in weeks. It wouldn't be too much of a push to run round it either although I feel a bit wierd about exercising in public- that is a sign of a true anxious person right?! lol. I've made up my mind to join my uni gym at the end of the month when I get paid, hopefully I won't feel as self-conscious there. If not I will keep trying other stuff.
I've been thinking about this a lot recently and about how few of us use our bodies for what they are actually designed for- moving about! I don't put on weight easily so its easy to be incredibly sedentary for a long time and not realise. Sorry to go a bit O/T.



I understand you my friend. Actually, there is always an underlying reason. I am feeling the same right now. My job is great, i like the subject, i could say that my supervisors really like me and trust me, but i feel sooooooo much pressure...I provoke that to myself and i don´t know why..I am quite new, in the sixth month of my project, and i just started to feel the pressure. I have to present 2 papers in a conference, in two months..And my personal target is to submit 3 papers within the first year. Maybe it is too optimistic or crazy, i don´t know, but i have a constant feeling that i should not betray the trust of my supervisors. I have that feeling all the time..And you know, when you feel pressure, you can´t perform like the way you can. It is a vicious circle. And when my bosses suggest me to make some corrections in the papers, although i know that it is normal, i feel like i do something wrong or that i am not good enough for this. The last month i don´t recognise myself cuz i used to be very cool and confident. So you are not alone man, i think that i suffer more!!!!!