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Do you think we should have an 'introduce yourself' thread?


Hi all,
I'm jm and I'm 27. I'm in my second year of a PhD in Economics. I'm from Australia


What are the chances that our supervisors are reading this forum??
I tend to write quite a lot of details and if my sup happened to come across my threads she would 100% know that it's me.. I tell myself that she is just too busy for that..but on the other hand I wouldn't put it past her.


My dear researchers,
Don’t worry much about supervisors reading our nagging here. Remember, even supervisors were researchers like us b4. Thus, take it easy, feel free 2 grumble and moan here.
But 2 see the Spring, really 2 see it, u must have lived through the Winter first. Thus, we have 2 go thru this species called Supervisor to achieve our goals. Just another passing phase, mates. Surprise, surprise, some of us might end as one in future,hehehe.



i agree - i wouldnt worry either. you are sharing your feelings, how you feel, that's truth that cannot be disputed. the fact you're feeling it, is validation in itself. and if your supervisor does read it, (which i HIGHLY doubt. because if supervisors have time to roam this forum, they are SAD! as this forum is for phd students).. and besides, it's not like your saying your supervisor is such and such and spreading malicious untrue rumours about them.


if my supervisor ever read these messages (which i highly doubt), sure it would be really embarrassing because i have exposed my inner most deepest fear and thoughts, but its all true, because it's how i felt at the time.

whether the supervisor agrees or not, it does not matter. and it's one sided, because i'm saying it from my perspective. if i were to put myself in his shoes, i would say things like. that lara, good for nothing student that calls herself a phd student and is so slow in finishing her thesis what the hell is she playing at. lol and a number of things i am sure he is probably thinking.

it really doesnt matter what your supervisor thinks as long as you know you did your best.

the only opinion that REALLY matters is the one you hold of yourself.

this is me telling myself this more than me telling you.

we are creatures of emotion, not logic. (dale carnegie).


Nice to see this thread is so shouldn't matter if our supervisors see this forum- we're not doing anything wrong by talking about our PhD and getting and giving advice from other PhD students!

As someone else has said- people can choose to give their names, and details if they like... my real name is not Billy (my parents would never have been so fashionable) but just a nickname given to me by my boyfriend because I am so silly. I just thought it would be nice to see what subject areas and what stage everyone is at on their phD journey!


sillybilly, that is such a cute anectode about your bf calling you billy. that is so sweet!

i am part of the "september club", writing up my phd thesis to submit in september.

my phd is in biology (cancer research).

after i am done in my phd, i want to take a sebatical for a year and study on my own just for fun, including subjects like psychology.


Hi, I am PinkNeuron!!!
I am finishing my first year in my PhD in neuroscience.
I am doing well and have kept on schedule despite a family crisis, setback. I could be doing more on my Lit. Rev. but the testing is going well. I am a dinosaur, about 2 million years old


Hello fellow forumites, I'm Sebastian Walmsted. I'm older than 20 but less than 30 and am engaged in something one could broadly describe as (what will hopefully become) a PhD. I live a pretty normal life but I am personally diseased with lunacy owing to the roundabout that is my work; a case of one step forward and three steps back. Generally, I'm studying quality of life using a battery of what I can only describe as pseudoscientific techniques. Although enjoyable work, I'm actually a positivistic scientist icognito, and I was originally going to do a biochemistry PhD involving certain receptors in the liver. What lives we lead!


I'm fatbob.... although my name's not Bob.... and come to think of it, I'm not fat....

I'm 27, shortly to turn 28 and doing a PhD in a law subject area at a Scottish University. I don't often post on the forum, but read every thread and have done for about two years now. I've definitely read a lot of useful information - just a shame that the forum wasn't in a more up to date forum format.


I'm Broo, 25, also studying at a Scottish University. I'm approaching the end of my first year (already??? Aagh!). Very generally my PhD is looking at relationship cognitions and usually when I tell people that they get rather nervous (yes I'm analysing your relationship as we speak... )


I'm Catalin Bond, (or at least my cat was!) My PhD is somewhere between medicine, neuropsychology and imaging, and I'm just about coming to the end of my first year. SO far I don't feel like I've got much done
I've 27 but I still get IDed at least once a week when buying alcohol!


Hi, I'm Mee and I am in the final year of my PhD in media and communications. I live in the southern hemisphere and work (at the moment) mostly from home at night, which is why this forum has been great company. I am in my forties though at times I feel just as lost as I was in my teens. Before I found this forum I used to play tetris to unwind whenever I felt overwhelmed, hence the handle. Having said that, I have an addictive personality so have had to abstain from constantly checking on updates to make sure I get my work done. So I dart in and out of the forum a lot.


Hi I am Ling. Did my master at UoB in England. After two unsuccessful funding applications for doing a phd in the UK, I am starting my phd with funding now in a HK university this summer as my husband and I are also trying to settle down in HK. My supervisor is from the states but the uni system here is more British than American. Although I haven't started my PhD formally, I am working on a writing project with my supervisor already. A good appetizer for a PhD!


Hello all, well im liminalplace and im called Dee by my mates, currently 24 and in a humanities PhD based on spatial theory finishing my second year and panicking my way into my third.

Im a Leo (for those who ascribe to starsigns) Im not a fan of trout but am quite partial to salmon. I also have a very naughty pug against the advice of joan from 'writing your dissertation 15 minutes a day' but i got her before i read it.
Looking for fellow panickers and those with advice to dispense, I like to read all the threads even if i dont reply.
