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Doing a PhD, does it make you ugly?

Well, I take back everything I said on the earlier post - Now I'm making real progress with the PhD, getting into a rythm of working, and have turned a miraculous corner with my writing,,,,,,,, I AM TURNING INTO WURZEL GUMMIDGE. Is there a see saw effect going on??? If only the people at the uni where I teach could see me now... a very different prospect.

As for hair dye, I find toners and shaders great for dealing with grey strands. There is no age guidance on the sachet, so I'm presuming anyone can go for it. :-x


Quote From Aloha:

Rubyw - are you working in an art institution?

I am. It was the first time I'd worked with women who seemed to provide alternatives for how you could look that seemed to sidestep the slightly depressing obsession with looking young that you get in the mainstream media for 'older' women, with all their stretched faces and botoxed, plumped up skin. I know it's not representative of lots of other workplaces, or even appropriate for some organisations, and also these are confident people with strong personalities who are established in their careers, but it's just really good to see other possibilities.


Ruby W - I thought so. I think I might be one of those 'older' women you talk of!


Aloha, you're considered 'old' when you're past 30 these days in some reports - god how depressing!!! I've obviously had one foot in the grave for ages! I wish everyone could pop over to one of our staff do's and get an alternative perspective on this depressing glossy media stereotype crap, it's great to meet slightly eccentric 'bohemian' older or retired people who seem to get their priorities in life right.


Don't talk to me about grey hairs - have them, hate them, dye them!!! They make me feel soooooo old (I'm 39) and when they are covered up I feel more human.
Hey, I actually put on some 'proper' clothes yesterday - will post about that separately as I'm a bit upset and freaked out - but my supervisor did a double take - I don't think he recognised me at first - smart skirt, blouse, smart coat and polished - yes polished - boots lol lol - AND makeup, AND hair blow dried.

Today I have reverted to slobbing, old jeans and old jumper - well, a student can only take so much dressing up and although it felt good it also felt a bit strange and tights are so uncomfortable when you're used to fluffy socks and jogging bottoms!


MAC and Urban Decay do some lovely make up.


I like MAC too. And sometimes you get served by exotic looking men in skirts!:-)


It's happened! I'm still in my dressing gown, and the worst thing is I have only put it on to come downstairs to get a cup of tea! I am working in bed marking exam papers. My excuse is that my partners teenage son is playing on his X box downstairs so it's too noisy to work and marking in bed is easier than other types of work.