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Everyone writing now through the weekend - sign up!!!!!!!!


Hello, I will sign up as I have to finish a conference paper by Tuesday so my supervisor can take a look at it.

Good luck everyone.


I've just burned my computer (see the new thread). I don't know what this will mean for my writing up this weekend. oh dear


What's a weekend???!


I want my essay to be 'lagom'* Until that hour, I shall not rest.

Good luck everybody. I only have to spend Sunday on it now and it will be done. Well 'done' on the understanding that Wednesday night will be spent frantically incorporating sup's comments in the final draft. On Thursday I shall make a pyre and burn ALL material relating to this paper.

*Lagom: satisfactory, sufficent, adequate or just right.


Dear all who said they would write this weekend,

how are things? Are you making progress?

I went to the library this morning, looked at some books and wrote a few things on paper, then thought things over (or just stared at a wall?).
Later at home I decided to crack on and wrote on the computer and actually made quite a bit of progress, accepting that it is not perfect.

Tomorrow will work again on it an then will send it to my supervisor.


Ha, Chris,

just read your posting, good to see that you are making progress and also that you are happy with your paper. Must be a nice feeling to have it (more or less) finished.

Maybe not to put too much more effort into it at this stage if your supervisor is still going to make corrections anyway?


How are you all doing? How is your computer, 404? How is the work going jojo?
I am having last minute jitters about my PhD. Will hear this week if I won a scholarship, will be hard without it. I have gone over my proposal, which my Prof. has basically re-written and realized, I really don't understand all of it and there is loads to understand...feeling pretty thick too
But, I am going to make an attempt now to organize myself and prepare for whether I get funding or not and just to organize some papers and stuff. So will be here for a few hours....


Hi PinkNeuron,
Best of luck for your application! You deserve it. It's not easy to juggle family life with a PhD.
However, bear in mind that whatever the outcome of this competition is always good to apply and - by doing so - learn how to deal with it. Applying for funding is something that we will have to face also after the PhD, especially if we stay in academia. Completing a funding application form is also a way to re-instate our short and long-term goals and keep focussed.
I am trying to complete the 20th version of a paper - and it's not less boring than a funding application!


Hi Jojo,

thanks for encouraging people: Over this weekend I re-wrote my research proposal as suggested by my supervisor. Looks good, if I may say so, and have just sent if off!

So your suggestion has helped me.

How did you get on?


thanks everyone!! am glad everyones work is going so well. i haven't been able to do as much as planned. a friend paid me a surprise visit weekend. didn't know whether to be happy or sad. , so i spent the weekend being a host and trying to work in the late night and mornings. haven't done half as much as i'd have liked. means i have to recover in the week for submission on Friday. big ups to everyone


last time i checked my word count was 944. almost halfway there. have decided to take the evening off to clear my head for an early start tomorrow at 5 am. next weekend i should be starting my next chapter - i can join everyone who will be writing then.


So tired. One line reply.

Paper done. Only 500 words to cut. Not due until Thursday. Will go home to sleep. Must sleep or will die. Will edit again on train tmrw.

See you next weekend? I'm doing a chapter synopsis then. I love my life. No seriously. I do.

*collapses in neurotic heap*


anyone else working?

am writing a paper for next week. its raining here... what is it like where you are?


Its cloudy, been raining, will rain again soon, probably will rain just now. They say we are in for a hot summer because of all this rain, I need more convincing. I need to work, I feel demotivated and dumb. Onto SPSS....


thank you for asking PinkNeuron. My computer is finally working again (after days of stress and effort and having to pay someone to sort it out). Did you get the funding? I'll check the rest of the forum to see your news.