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Further dispatches from the post doc front


Hi Badhaircut,

incredible story, must be pleasing though that at he end things went your / your team's way.

Ever thought of writing a book about the saga?:-)


Does it occur to you BHC that it is not very professional to write about this in a public forum?


Quote From commonsense:

Does it occur to you BHC that it is not very professional to write about this in a public forum?

Having common sense, Commonsense, BHC has made sure that it is completely anonymous, so rest easy and stand down.;-)


======= Date Modified 14 May 2009 13:20:30 =======
To be a law bore...anonymity does not preclude these type of accounts from legal action, and ultimately getting fired. The only way to safeuard against this is to not only to change names, but also change most of the circumstances...which then leaves it a rather fruitless exercise. A PhD student would probably get away with it (should the university find out), but an employee wouldn't.

BHC's account reminds of 'Bullied Blogger' on the THE. which is so remarkably misguided, I can only conclude it's fictitious... worth a read though!


Remarkable story... it's good to see that it's all over now. Hopefully 'Katy' has learned from all this too, has accepted the consequences of her actions, and won't do anything like that again.


For the record it is anonymised and some important details have been changed but the spirit of the thing remains. I even post here via someone elses computer.8-)

As for me getting fired, don't worry. If anything were to happen to me, it would mean A LOT of other people would get fired too as well as a very public humiliation for several people. It really would not be in anyones interests at all to go after me. Top tip for future post-docs - Know where the bodies are buried. Also as a fixed term post doc my job mobility is far more flexible than anyone else involved.

I too think the bullied blogger is either something that happened a while ago, or something that has been totally skewed for dramatic effect. Its also very one sided, but then again isnt everyone.