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How should I write a CV for a PhD?


Please could I have a copy steve:



Hi leniconway, do you want my CV? I already have a PhD place so mine must be quite good... x

Henry, we would like to put a number of sample CV's on FindAPhD, from sucessfull PhD candidates. We will change all identifying information (contact details, institution names, etc). We feel these samples may be of more use than providing a template. If you're happy for us to do this please send your CV to me at and let me know what subject area your current PhD is in. Thanks


Hi Steve, I am equally interested in getting a copy of your 'now famous CV'. I ve been busy with applications for a PhD lately and yours might give me some ideas that may make the difference. My address is:


Sample CVs or a template would be very welcome. There is a huge amount of general CV advice available on the internet but no help for us nerds. Is there a standard format for academic CVs? What do they want to know about me? We’re clever but not telepathic.

Steve – what time of year did you start your CV barrage? Did you schmooze up to particular supervisors or just send your vital statistics to anyone with a desk? Any other tips? Many thanks ……


What a thread!!

Marinegirl - I started looking last summer before i started my final year. I built up a relationship with some supervisors that led to interviews but no matter how informal it is there will always be a time when they need to see your 'vital stats', so a good CV is key. The most important thing is to highlight your lab experience and lab projects and focus on the techniques that you have in the bag, and spend very little time on your part time job at ASDA!!


.....and NEVER do a CV 'barage'. Any half decent supervisor will spot it a mile off. My advice would be to limit your applications and make them quality applications. Never write one email and send it to 30 people with your CV attached - it wont work i can assure you. When you contact them show some interest in their topic and demonstrate that you know a little about what they do. Even if they dont put refs up, go to PubMed and get 'em and read 'em before you speak to them. Trust me, you will stand out.

Steve's CV is now available here to save him emailing it to half the world. We've changed the contact details, the name of his university, school, referees etc. Click here to open it (you'll need acrobat reader). We would be pleased to receive other CV's from successful applicants so that people can get an idea of the kind of things to write.


hahahaha very nice job too! Looks good in acrobat actually.


Please can you send a copy of your CV to as i am also having trouble.

Kind Regards



Nima - the my CV is now online (see below). Go here: Note that the address header is not alligned properly, it must have come out of place during the alterations


I think that in the case of Steve maybe the way he wrote his CV wasn't so important and he got the interviews because his qualifications are just brilliant. My experience says that if you try and you are flexible you'll get interviews. I don't have such a good CV but I managed to get four interviews and many invitations for an informal chat. At the end I didn't take any because one was in the middle of nowhere and the other didn't get funding. But at least I got the offers.... continues


I would like to say also that as foreign student I didn't have the chance to apply for most of the studenships and that closed a lot of doors. If you are English you shouldn't have any problem. Be flexible, enthusiastic and always keep trying. Also work hard in your CV and the covering letter /email you send because everybody will request them at some point.
Good luck everybody.


On the subject of qualifications did anyone ask to see individual subject/module results or your exam results from the second year? Would you recommend including these with a CV?


Hello Steve, could u please send me a copy of your CV too? My email address is: Thanks you