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Jojo's viva journey - preparation and viva - sigh...


======= Date Modified 02 Jan 2011 15:25:31 =======
my greatest challenge right now: Keeping nerves under control. anyone with any techniques that work?

i try to keep my focus on the end... that works for a bit and then i start to feel nervous again. i then remind myself i've prepared and my supervisor said my work was alright and my examiners and i agree on everything..... that works for a bit and then i begin to feel nervous again.. sigh.. sometimes am so nervous i scheme read my work or other papers am reading. not that am not having a positive attitude, i am. i think the enormity of it all is what my mind is struggling with. any ideas on how to see this experience in a more manageable / sensible way? i have tried Olivia's breathing and that works great, then i forget and after a while the feeling is back.:$ i only get the nervous feeling when am doing non-phd stuff and then the viva comes up particularly when am hanging out with friends when the topic comes up... lol. but i find that i have a wonderful way of switching off and watching tv, reading a novel or doing something totally unrelated when am alone. my family have also worked themselves up into a state of expectation which makes me nervous. its like they're all holding their breath for me in a way they didn't for other exams. i've tried to push this to the back of my mind but i can't help but notice it. any ideas on how to deal with this would be helpful. including memorable phrases i can say to myself that have worked for you. "i can do it" is not getting me anywhere for too long. lol.

are there any psychologists on here?


======= Date Modified 02 Jan 2011 18:27:55 =======
Just a few words of good luck to you Jojo- I have read many of your viva prep posts and you sound to me completely prepared and more than ready.

A friend of a friend had her viva recently (she passed it btw). The very first question she got after "hello, you are very welcome" was "so, do you think you will have many corrections?". I told my supervisor that story and he said that that was his first question when he did his viva so maybe it's one to consider.

Great idea about the hotel as well - you can't beat a nice hotel with its endless supply of fluffy towels and hot water - bliss. Just don't forget to get to your viva on time!!

Best of luck



======= Date Modified 02 Jan 2011 16:21:55 =======
hi jojo,

not a psychologist, nowhere near, just an irritating optimist ;-)

I've always viewed nerves and excitement, flight and fight if you like, as the same thing - after all, i tell myself, the feeling is pretty close. therefore, and this is all in my own head you understand,  its how I choose to define it that denotes it as good or bad.

To me, therefore, i see it as my bodies way of giving me the energy to get through the experience - interview, exam etc..  its the buzz of it.  the kick you need, nature's "Red Bull".

without it you'd never finish a PhD - mother natures miracle :-) 

So... you're not nervous, you're energised...  

feel free to slap me.

All the very best for Wednesday, enjoy it... it's what you've worked for. 

Regards, Chuff


mmmmh... i like that idea Chuff. its on trial now!


thanks Ady! i will definitely give that question a thought. i have no option but to show up on time. LOL.


Jojo, I may not be able to login much over the next few days, so want to send you my best wishes for Wednesday now. It sounds as though you have prepared well, so that should stand you in good stead.

For nerves I always find the thought that whatever it is will be over soon helps me. This helped me with my viva too. Though I was alarmingly calm by my standards in the weeks running up to it. I had a 'Que sera sera' attitude, and knew that I'd pretty much decided my fate based on my thesis. The viva can swing things in borderline cases, but the thesis has a lot resting on it too. And that helped me, meaning I was surprisingly calm between submission and the viva date. I don't know if it will help you. But it will all be over soon :p


Yeah, good luck from me as well, Jojo. I'm sure you'll be fine.


thanks Bilbo and Walmin.

i just had another mock viva with a friend and was actually surprised by how well it went! it took 1hr 10 mins. i've only read half my thesis.

after this mock viva and feel better and more motivated to read through the rest of the chapters. i was surprised that i actually know the stuff without even reading it. wow.

i hope to have another viva tomorrow afternoon when i'll have read through another 2 chapters or so and hope for better performance then.

sigh.. can't wait for it all to be over!


am gonna watch a movie now to help me switch off. not the whole thing tho. sigh..


reading through my discussion chapter just lifted my mood. it's definitely the chapter that will get me this phd. :-) fingers crossed.. still have 3 chapters to go. decided to stop reading them in order and its working. woo hoo! a break then conclusion chapter, then back to case study chapters which i found a bit taxing.

am so happy to have gotten over the nerves of yesterday! thanks everyone for your encouragement! :-)

looking forward to a mini-viva tonight!



ended up watching the whole movie. LOL.


two chapters to go..... main motivation to read them is the fact that i need a typos list to show to my examiners so i can look like a serious researcher and reduce any angst already accumulated incase there is a perfectionist there. :-) am happy that they're only two chapters left now and one is fairly short. yipee!

i've got all my answers to Bilbo's questions worked out and quite a number of questions i made myself which i'll use in my mock viva in about 45 mins time. i'll also go thro Laras and my own which include Bilbos. am lucky to have someone willing to conduct a mini viva at midnight. lol.

can't wait to be a free person after Wednesday afternoon!!!!!!!

looking forward to the hotel. haven't made travel plans yet. train, bus, train, bus. will see!

i might pack tonight as well so tomorrow goes to proofreading remaining two chapters.

i also discovered that i have to learn to talk about my discussion which is very well written (am proud of it!) but when i look at it, its so good it looks like someone else wrote it! need to summarise it and practice looking the part. :$ i plan to do that in my mini vivas tomorrow.

am just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GLAD the end is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo near guys. i never want to enrol in this kinda again. if i ever do....... i will never be as serious with it like i was with this one. LOL. there is more to life!

speak later.... back to it.



yipee! all definitions learnt!


i wonder if my examiner is reading my thesis right now and thinking... #$#$%%%%Q#@$@#$#$##@#$@#$#$ two more chapters to go. the only motivation i have is that i need to get through Wednesday to finish that paper am writing! (giggles.)

i suppose it's excruciating both ways. lol.


done with second mock viva! lasted 48 mins. but hardly had breathing space..... so hopefully........ that accounts for more time.

have to revisit chapter 3. i struggled with questions from that one a little bit. my posture and eye contact has improved so am well pleased. i also need water.

off to sleep now............ or should i pack my suitcase now. might actually be a good idea. will read remaining chapters tomorrow.

all the best to me! :-)