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Jojo's Writing Up Diary - The Race for the First Draft


Every PhD is different, so only because you've done it a certain way doesn't mean your way is the one suitable for the entire PhD population. I work in short, effective bursts, too and this is the way it works for some people, and not for others.


Also, I'm getting fed up with your "Get on with it" attitude which becames evident from your previous postings, BB. Do you realise that it is not always possible to get on with it, because supervisors may slow you down or data is incomplete or other committments arise, or because we don't feel very well, etc. Therefore, although we'd all like to "get on with it", this advice is in fact, USELESS as it is too generic. If you understand what I am saying?


I second what Jouri said. If someone does not like reading this thread, then skip it. But please do not put useless comments on it that are of no informative or supportive value.

I too work in short bursts and sporadically. People work differently. I work this way because I am a classic ENFP. I know how I work, and how to use it effectively. Guess what, I do not miss deadlines, my supervisor thinks I work hard and responsibly and is pleased with my output. What matters is the result, not the process. If you are getting a result then the process that works is the right process to use. Full stop.


JoJo please do not let unhelpful comments posted by an insensitive poster ( or perhaps a troll looking to disrupt this thread?!) keep you from letting us know how you are doing with things. I too get inspiration from reading your thread and knowing that I am not alone in struggling on some days more than others with this giant amount of work.

Forum Administrators--if you must make an adjustment to this thread, please just remove the posting by BB and leave the rest alone, it is important to many of us, and is important to keep it going.


That WAS mean BB. Doesn't everyone work in bursts with spells of apathy??


BB - i make no apologies for my work patterns. am confident in who i am and i don't need your affirmation to feel confident about my progress. secondly, i have not asked you for any advice on how i should go about writing my PhD or when i should write it. your advise is therefore unsolicited. if am correct, you completed your PhD a while ago and you're posting on this forum on a Saturday assessing people's progress. Don't you have life?

Update: Yesterday's working hours - 1.30pm to 4.30 am with thirty minute break every two. About 12 hours. I managed to finish the chapter i should have finished last Friday.

Today i worked between 1pm and 5pm. I managed to proofread the chapter for submission to supervisor next week.


thanks everyone for your continuos encouragement and support.


Ha Ha Ha!!!


Yesterdays hours: 1.30 pm - 2.30pm, then 4.30 pm to 8.30 pm. I managed to complete work for Submission on Wednesday.


today's task is mainly proofreading and ensuring flow.


Well done jojo it's really great to see you progressing! Kepp up the good work!!


thanks SillyBilly. hope my supervisor will like the work. fingers crossed. hope your work is going well.


Well done JoJo!


thanks olivia.


yesterday's working hours: 10.30am - 2.00pm, 2.30 pm - 4.30pm, 5pm -8.30pm.

managed to submit some work and start working on a paper for publication.

oh, the joy of submitting i can live a stress free life before i hear from my supervisor in about two weeks.

today is going to be a long day. am off to a workshop.