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Music to study by?


Nothing with words! Minimalist music especially Philip Glass works well for me. Satie is another good one - intense but not overwhelming. I can't work listening to anything that's not classical generally although some jazz is ok too. I have to be in a really particular mood to have music on when I work though.


Abit of Classical helps, something without words. I'm more of a fan of rock and cheesey music but If I had listened to those while working I probably would have written the lyrics in my thesis. :p


I have to agree with Megara. I can't study whilst listening to any music with lyrics or I just sing along to it. I absolutely adore all things classical. Classic FM is great as it plays a whole variety of classical music and it is very relaxing.


mmm it depends on what mood im in usually, but if I'm doing some work that is pretty mundane like data entry I prefer listening to cheesy lively music as it numbs tha pain a little! Generally though I'm ok with lyrical music as long as it's not too catchy. I love listening to Tom McRae, Elbow, Snow Patrol Jeff Buckley and the new Temper Trap album is just great!!


this may just be me, but I remember - when writing up my MA diss - being at my most productive whilst listening to drum&bass - I agree, I can't listen to anything with lyrics as I find it too off-putting, but somehow the beat/bass was very motivating! I have a VERY diverse taste in music, so it's not just that I am massive d&b anyway... but I do understand that d&b isn't to everyone's taste. Also, I found having a supply of boiled sweets or mints to suck on helped with my concentration - I always had a bag of murray mints on the go in my undergrad years too. strange.


I can't work to music at all, I find it so distracting, however someone talking in the background is completely different. :$.


Sneaks, I listen to internet radio - or I have it on in the background - for about 12 hours a day. It's good, just on all the time, and not intrusive (apart from teh ads, which I mute). This website has 185 genres of music, with dunno how many thousands of stations. I listen to some of the ambient stations and some of the IDM stations, which play chill-out type stuff. No words anywhere. Has helped to keep me sane. Hope it works for you!


Perhaps find a good chillout album or even classical. I find that if I listen to music with vocals I end up singing along!


Stephen King does his writing while listening to AC-DC or Guns'n'Roses.

I work without music but it doesn't make any difference if someone else in the office is playing it. In the lab we always had music and loud! Until that whinging postdoc started. Anyway here's an awesome tune (up)


I always work with music... my iPod is a PhD survival staple. I just put on my favourite bands and I'm good to go.

I think musical preference is quite personal, so I'd just suggest finding something you like and go from there.

If you want some good chillout stuff though, I'd reccommend Air.

I wish there was music that adapted to your behaviour e.g. a flowing calm melody while thinking about your PhD and then a fast overture when you frantically start writing - my very own soundtrack


Quote From sneaks:

I wish there was music that adapted to your behaviour e.g. a flowing calm melody while thinking about your PhD and then a fast overture when you frantically start writing - my very own soundtrack

THAT is such a cool idea. I know a few guys who are completing/have completed PhDs in Music technology, they'd love that! If you don't mind I'll ask them if there is such a project in progress anywhere (I wouldn't be surprised) or if they'd be willing to work on it for us!