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Please tell me it will pass...


Hey thanks guys. I'm trying to do all the right things, but it's hardgoing. Been to the gym today, I need my exercise, and felt okay earlier and then rubbish again now. Just want to go to sleep and wake up feeling better. Got stuff planned for tomorrow and for the rest of the week (nice stuff, not work) so hopefully that will distract me a bit. I will keep plodding, I've had plenty of practise....KB


If you are worried that you aren't making progress, sure head off to Heathrow and catch up with 23 fellas coming home from South Africa who did sweet f**k all for the past month ha ha! Sorry lads, but just had to!
Enjoy the time off and good going with the exercise - most deffo the best way to get the brain going and feeling good. Dunno if ye have Aldi or Lidl but got a dirt cheap badminton set and its gas craic to just set it up in the lawn and get a bit of fun and exercise. Ya don't need such things as gym fees getting in yer way.
None of us can know what the dark thoughts are as we all have our own, but just reiterating what others have said. If the very worst happened, you can be sure that your advice and help have assisted many people on this forum and no doubt in other parts of your life. A small thought to keep in mind.