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Rush to the End

Sorry didn't notive you've already tried this-?

Or do a searc for any *.wbk files ?


I think I looked in that folder Eds, although it's in a different location on my computer and it was empty. Thanks anyway. Looking carefully it seems to be a really strange thing it's done. Some things I wrote or moved before 3.30 are still there and in the right place, but it's reinstated the track changes from my supervisor and the comments I had addressed and deleted are all back. But if I wrote something where the comment was reinstated it's gone...which is most of it as my supervisor went to town on writing comments. So maybe I've just lost 7 hours work...

So either it's Word gone crazy or something wrong with Dropbox where I'm saving it to.

Yeah that's probably it: I learned the hard way- but with someothing far less important than yours- never to originally save to anywhere but the machine- including clouds, externals and flash drives- as being prone to corruption. Obviously copy over to them, but don't edit them raw from them. Sorry caro

On edit- a google found this- seems tailored to Dropbox particularly- something there miht work?

C once I had clicked all the accept/reject and re-deleted comments it wasn't as much of a disaster as it could have been. The majority of my edits are still there. Word just had some kind of meltdown..I really don't trust it anymore!


Oh Caro, sorry to hear about the hassle you had with Word! I hope it's all sorted now - there's nothing worse than losing changes so close to the end.

Thank you for the congratulations on the job guys! ToL - it's not a postdoc, I decided to leave academia quite early in the PhD so I've got a research job in industry. I'm really excited about starting already, but the job requires a PhD so I need to get the thesis submitted first. I got my start date through this morning, it's amazing what having a deadline does for motivation! Caro, are you excited to start your job next week?

JoyofX and Caro - I hope the mad rush is going well, we will soon be finished! Good luck with work today :) Tulip


Hi Tulip, thanks I managed to sort it out in about an hour in the end so it wasn't nearly as disastrous as it looked!

The job sounds exciting! When is the start date?

I'm feeling more positive today..lets get these theses finished!

I hope we have all learned the lesson, NOT to edit off a document saved to anything other than the hard-drive :)


Hah maybe Eds, but I think it was actually a problem with Word itself. I am now backing up on my memory stick though! I don't trust my laptop enough to save on the hard-drive ;)

That wsn't my point, but best of luck anyway.


Hey Caro,

How's the weekend work going? I'm hoping to get revisions to my last results chapter done today. After that I need to finish the intro and discussion chapters by mid-end of next week and then check the whole thesis etc. It feels so close to the end and yet I'm really struggling to get on with it today, not sure why though! It's probably boredom, the thesis doesn't interest me anymore. On the plus side, my start date for the new job is October 5th, so that should be motivating me but sadly today it isn't!

Hope everyone else working is having a productive weekend! Roll on having these theses finished. :)


Hi Tulip! I'm also working on my last data chapter today but I'm only going to work on it for a little longer as I'm actually going outside today to meet a friend for a drink (I went to the supermarket on Tuesday but apart from that I have been in my flat since last Friday!). I'm hoping going out will give me more energy to finish my discussion and read over everything tomorrow. I'm hoping to have my draft ready by the end of tomorrow and send it to sups Monday morning. And spend Monday formatting my appendices and oh yeah...preparing for that new job I start on Tuesday eek! Hah! Just keep thinking the faster you work today the faster it will be over!


Hey Caro,

Hope the rest of the weekend work went well and that meeting your friend gave you a bit more energy. I know how you feel about staying indoors and just working solidly, I tend to feel a bit cabin fever-like if I don't go outside and talk to people!

I'm working again today, this time on my discussion chapter. I finished the revisions to my last results chapter yesterday and I'm avoiding the intro for the time being because it needs the most work (and it's the chapter I like the least!). I originally wanted a complete thesis by tomorrow but unfortunately it looks like I'll need another week to get all the text finished before I can proofread and polish. But the good news is it's getting there - I can't imagine how good it must feel to have a finished thesis in front of you!

Good luck with the first day at your new job tomorrow! Wishing everyone working a productive day.



Hi Tulip!

Getting out of the house was great, my friend was a PhD friend who has just handed in so it was nice to see what's on the other side. He also read over a couple of my chapters for me which was helpful hah. But getting out of the house meant yesterday I was exhausted, no idea why I was in bed by 11 haha. So I'm a bit behind where I wanted.

I'm about 3/4 of the way through working on my intro, I wrote it in January so I was worried it would be awful (my supervisor never got around to reading it despite me asking about 30 times), but I'm actually quite surprised as it reads well I'm just plugging in a few extra refs and deleting parts as it's a bit long. So I'll finish editing this then I'm onto my discussion chapter. Then the few typos etc that my friend and my other half have found in a few of my chapters (I hadn't realised I'd picked a different style of page numbering in each chapter...). Then just checking formatting and send it to sups by the end of today I hope!

I still have to format my appendices and make the contents page and lists of tables etc but I'm hoping I can do all that next weekend and my supervisors won't have any horrible comments (unlikely!).

Good luck today! It's amazing how much you can get done in a day if you force yourself to hah =)