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Sophie - the Quantum Physicist in the Apprentice


Actually no Adem, I didn't assume that. Even with a big company such as GSK, the salaries of the scientists is pathetic compared to what the non-scientists get. It's only slightly more than a smaller company.


I should also add that advantages of working for a big pharma are the benefits you get - bonus, health insurance (although small companies do this too), being treated out, pension scheme, life insurance etc.
A lot of big companies do this, not just in pharma. It's cheaper than paying out big salaries.

Disadvantages of working for a big pharma include, you could end up being stuck in the same project for years and years. However it would be much less stressful (and potentially boring).


talking of shareholders, dont a lot of these comapnies pay you in shares. So you get a (small) cut of the profits (dividends) and have a vested intrest in working hard, to make your shares worth more money.


they pay in shares but employee ownership accounts for about 3% - its only in the states when employees made millions from companies such as microsoft and others along the silicon valley. hoping to work in such a company and make such a salary i would say is a stab in the darkv - unless ofcourse you start the company yourself.


Additionally, you can only sell the shares (if you wish) after being at the company for a certain number of years. If you leave before then, you get nothing.