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support for my viva in December


======= Date Modified 06 Dec 2009 23:11:43 =======
I was told supervisors shouldn't let a person submit if they have a chance at failing, so you'll probably be fine, if you haven't already had it.

As for living among those of different ethnicity, it'll only enrich your cultural understanding and it's a big city, so there's probably many different ethnicities there. If you have an interview, you could always check the city out.


I'm on the count down, three days to go, if I count today. Aims for the day: to go through Lara's questions and have an overview of my answers. She had 42 in total so I am aiming to do 15 today.


Clocking out for the day - managed to answer 20 questions which is great and means I am ahead. Aim for tomorrow therefore is to finish the rest of the questions. Then have another read of 'how to pass your viva'.


What is 'Lara's questions'?


When Lara did her viva she set up a thread on here and posted all the viva questions she had found. I took them off the thread and have worked through them. Also I googled nasty viva questions and found a list on the internet. Most of the questions seem to be different ways of asking what is your contribution to knowledge, how is your work original and have you knowledge of research methods, which are three of the criteria for obtaining a PhD at my uni. Just spent the last 90 mins going through some more questions, as I really need to read the whole thesis this week! :-)


Checking in for the day: 51 hours to go. Aims for the day: 1: finish going through questions, 2: make up my viva survival kit, 3: re-read chapters' six and seven in 'how to survive your viva'.


Good luck.. I'm still reading thesis and will probably seek out those 42 questions later.


End of the day, well sort of. Managed to go through the rest of the questions and read chapters' five to seven. My supervisor has been in touch to make sure I am okay which was nice of him, and much appreciated. Hard to believe that at the end of the week I will know whether all the work, stress and pressure has paid off. I have made my list of what to put in the viva survival kit, that is a job for tonight. Most things are ready for Friday, as with most people I live nearly 100 miles from my uni so I am going over tomorrow night and staying in a hotel. Clothes are clean and pressed, and still fit!!!


Good luck TT and Cleverclogs.


Thanks Bilbo, I feel a little like Oliva did this morning. My English teacher at school always said you would know when you had done enough and I really am reaching that point. Just going to go over some methodology this morning, to make sure I am certain about decisions I made. Work (I work FT and do the PhD PT) have given me today and tomorrow off, so I just need to make sure I have everything and go. OH has also taken two days off work, it would be a nice holiday if not for tomorrow morning! I have been told that it has to finish by 1415 as my chair is chairing another meeting. So it will be a max of 2 hours and 15 mins. 27 hours to go ...


Thanks BB.

Does anyone have a link to Lara's 63 questions please? Looked all over the place but could only find references to them.

======= Date Modified 10 Dec 2009 13:55:36 =======
AAAAaaaaahhhhh, where's your IQ now Clogsy? Couldn't resist that..


Hey, I'm only human, very stressed, can't find my tie = link please!

Precisely! I'm sure some knd soul who knows where to find the questions will help you out.

Have you got your viva today? Good luck if you have, here's a mince pie to help you on our way: (mince)

I'm sue you'll knock 'em dead.


Thanks Eska. (mince)

Oh, and TO HELL with Lara's 63 questions! I will pass my viva without them. God-willing!