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The nocturnal workers' thread


Word count is okay, I have about 10% of the work I need done by saturday morning. But I will be fine, I am merely typing stuff up I have thought out before. Trying to stretch scant historical sources as far as I sensibly can . I am actually typing in my underwear (with the blinds closed!) because it is so humid. Ick.


Really hope your blinds are down!!!... A little drizzle...has just passed by! Good luck with stretching the scant material


Here I am again. Anybody else?

(cup of tea in hand)


Walminskipeasucker, clocking in for another twilight session of pen twiddling. At least it's cooler tonight! Chrisrolinski, you've inspired me - it's brewing up time for me!


I'm in. Another summer night about to waste!


Still here writing away. I need a refil on my hot drink. The spirit is willing but the body is weak, so weak.


yup i am still here too. music in the background keeping me awake, too lazy to go downstairs for a cuppa... music will do for now. got to deliver a chapter on thursday, at this rate am not sure if i will make it...


Ohm, forgot to say thanks folks, just knowing that am not alone at punching the key board at this time of the night does help.


I'm glad I'm not a vampire because with all these graveyard shifts I'd have starved to death by now - no time to go 'shopping' see... My pathetic attempt at black humour aside, who'll be joining hands with me and plumbing their intellectual depths in the twilight zone tonight?


Hi Walminskipeasucker, am with you tonight. It was too hot today such that I literally spent the afternoon between my bed and desk, ended up sleeping through much of the afternoon, tried in vain to write... feeling refreshed though somewhat sticky and hot
Happy writing!


Good evening and good morning in about 10 minutes, Tsipat. It was another uncomfortable and muggy day today, so I'm trying to make up for it now too. It's supposed to become cooler later this weeks, so perhaps we can establish more civil working patterns. Good luck to all the other late nighters tonight.


Good morning to you, I sure hope the days to come will be cooler so that we can get back to normalcy.


Här stannar jag kvar


chrisrolinski, what does that mean? as they say curiosity killed the cat! good to see you are about.


Hey Chrisrolinski, I just translated that using Google translator and it reads: This stops me to go. I don't think anything can beat learning a language for yourself personally - damn technology.