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Today has not been a waste because....


Good for you, Im in the same boat (kind of), my dissertation is due next week and everyday feels like a waste. Ive decided to try and stay positive and pat myself on the back. You should too and this will encourage you to crack on as you have devised some goals for yourself daily. GOOD LUCK:-)


Today has not been a waste because I've done corrections for 4 of my chapters.


Today is a waste for me because I am full of cold so have given myself the day off :(


Today was not a waste because I managed to write some words instead of thinking about writing some words. Whether those words actually mean anything is a totally different question...:-(


Today has not been a total waste because I....
-had a discussion with my supervisor
-printed a datasheet to be read tomorrow
-printed a paper that seemed to be interesting
-checked tomorrow's flea market venue and schedule
-moved an amplifier from the shelf to my table- it was so heavy
-tried to figure out how does the amplifier work- but still have no clue although I had spend about three hours on it until I got really fed up
-set a time to chat with my friend to discuss/ talk about my problems tomorrow
-watched '30 Rock'
-watched 'The Social Network'
-replied an email from my friend which had been delayed for weeks- don't have to think about it anymore
-read and posted few threads in this forum - it's a kind of motivation
-trying so hard to sleep right now. It's already 3.05am here... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Today has not been a waste because I had prepared the slides for this Thursday's presentation...


Today has not been a total waste because I:

-Got a key for a locker at the research centre so I can leave my books here and save my bookshelves at home
-Started reading Vygotsky's Thought and Language
-Arranged my next supervision meeting
-Stopped my husband applying for a job in Brussels
-Went Spotify premium...
-Wrote my third blog post:

Hmmm not exactly phenomenal but baby steps...


Today has not been a waste because...

In spite of me thinking that I am a lazy, incompetent fool, my supervisor said that I'd obviously been busy, and that my lab book looks better than a lot of people's.


Today has not been a waste because I had....

1. Ordered the materials needed to refabricate my mechanism
2. Had discussion with my supervisor
3. Signed for my scholarship
4. Paste some pictures in my presentation slides...

They are all very small baby steps... But still better than doing nothing....(mince)(turkey)(sprout)


hi teek!!!
:-) not a waste because today I bought myself a tube of Avene skin recovery cream :-) thats for my face, my skin is so dry now; and still using Eurax for my hives.

also I have written 2 paragraphs today

love satchi


I think I will join this thread as I feel like I keep wasting time. I'm sleeping so much at the moment and even if I set my alarm I go back to sleep and have not been getting up till lunchtime. Then I have to check e-mails etc and I'm not starting work till about 3, then I'm doing other things rather than my PhD. I have a chapter I need to send to my supervisor at the end of the week but I also have loads of job applications to do.
So far I think today has been a waste but I'll post later and see if I can't be more positive about what I have done.


======= Date Modified 11 Nov 2010 03:25:02 =======
Today has not been a waste because I have finished my lab presentation for this semester... What a relief! Feels like a heavy burden has been lifted from my shoulder. Hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hoorayyyyyyyyyyyy! :-)

Now back to redesign my mechanism...(mince)(turkey)(sprout)


Today has not been a waste because... I have corrected my coding and went to the origami class...
However, didn't attend the Japanese class and lab seminar... and my laundry still remain unfolded...



Today has not been a waste because I actually had some time to go outside while it was daylight and enjoy the sun highlighting all the colours on the autumn leaves, and then got to scoff a huge piece of cake while doing background reading in the campus tea shop. :-)


Today has not been a waste because I:

1. Read few papers and understand few things
2. Wrote some words for my thesis in 15 minutes
3. Printed some papers for tomorrow's work
