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Trolling on the forum: MODS

OK Pierre, I'm sorry that the way my posts are written have offended you. Yes I am angry about this, someone I care about has been hurt, and not for the first time. I will not repeat what has already been said by myself and others, we clearly have very different views about what is offensive: you find me asking if you have read the post offensive... while you also seem to be offended on behalf of Stressed - perhaps you have a loyalty or some other interest in that situation.

I won't defend my words in response to you or Stressed, mainly because I can't see the point - and I'm really busy: 37 essays to mark by Monday (I was going to post for support about that because I don't feel up to it due to my nan's funeral having taken place on Wednesday, but judging by many of the comments here this doesn't seem to be the place for seeking such support any longer), but I wish you a good evening and hope that this situation is resolved as soon as possible.


I do not offend as easily Eska, there is no need to apologise. I am sincerely sorry to hear about your Nana.

You could not see the irony ... that several people should gang up on a solitary individual (who apparently has Aspergers) with accusations of bullying and demanding expulsion is ironic.

Does it really matter to your whether or not I see what you see?

Calling for some moderation when a poster is being bullied when already in distress due to a bullying supervisor (there is also a hstory there) along with other serious health difficulties is not 'ganging up' on someone. In the past this matter would have been cleared up by the moderators a long while ago, CC has a history of bullying people on here.

Are you a sock; not CC's sock by any chance?


Are you a sock; not CC's sock by any chance?

Nope, a human being, like you, with my own free will.

Then perhaps a personal message ("Abuse" button?) to the mods would have sufficed rather than airing these disputes in a public forum.

I too am a human being with my own free will, and this is my point. You follow your free will, and I and everyone else around here will follow theirs.

Irony eh...


Irony? I think obtuse! :-)

Have a lovely evening. Hey, it's the weekend! (up)

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btw, I did send a message to the mods about this as I always do when someone is being bullied on here, and how do you know others didn't? The public messaging is a way of showing support to someone who is clearly in distress, and a way of discussing this as a community, the thread dedicated to it a usual way of getting the mods attention quickly for urgent matters, it's standard practice on this forum. Just because you cannot see the resaon for something or it isn't the way you would do it doesn't give you the right to tell people what to do and how. I do not have to justify my actions to you.

This may be a weekend for you, but for me it is a pile of essays that I barely have the energy to lift, and certainly not the umph to address properly. I came here hoping for a lift and some support, and found my friend being bullied. Yes, you enjoy your weekend.

I'm afraid CC's original comments were not dry analysis calculated from facts, rather fabrication and conjecture about the suffering of KB's supervisor and the rest of KB's department and an attack on KB's character, who we know from previous posts is being bullied by her sup, this was accompanied by a gushing of sympathy and empathy for the shouting supervisor: does demonsing individuals who are already feeling vulnerable while displaying gushing empathy based on conjecture and fabrication really fit with a condition of emotional by-pass due to disabilities? Maybe, but as a lay person on this topic I sincerely doubt it, and if CC knows he has this problem and that it can hurt people, then why respond to posts asking for emotional support, and why persistently and almost exclusively choose KB as a respondee?

Also, just so it's on the record: I have never suggested anyone should be banned from the forum, only that this situation would benefit greatly from some moderation from the moderators. It worked in the past and I'm sure it would have worked this time too.


Hi everyone
Normally when bullying/spamming etc take place the person is either warned by the mods to 'sort it out' or they will be banned or out right banned.
As you have seen we have added the abuse button so you can let us know things like that you don't agree with! We will always try to do out best by everyone involved but each case is judged on it's own merits, in this case the poster in question is one of the longer serving members and has in the past been voted useful. But have no doubt something will be done.