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Writing up in 100 days - jan 5th deadline.


Hi Hailey and anyone else who is pushing on through the night!!!
I have had a few days off as had to work on something else, but I cant afford to not sit up and write on a night now ... so here goes .. i hope we can encourage each other through this... and we can all have a lovely xmas post the real xmas day :-).... im loosing track of the point of my comment .- yeah!!!! it was to say to hailey that I too have come to the realisation that waking up at 5 in the morning is something I let go of at about 16 or something, now I burn the midnight oil and burn it well....the only time I have been able to work at that time is when I wake up unplanned and then I am hit by this massive panic attack and have to get out of bed because my brain wont keep quiet.. and then I can do a few hours of work!! but otherwise its a huge struggle and really pointless as you just end up feeling like you are punishing yourself:-(... on a more positive note .... I think what counts is, working when you feel most up to it as thats when you are most productive...
all the best everyone;-)


======= Date Modified 11 Dec 2011 01:27:14 =======
thanks naturalme. that's the best thing i've read in a LONG time! am just burning the midnight oil now. am pleased with what i have achieved. i typically work from noon to around 1am. can rarely do the 5am thing. after reading your post i don't feel bad any more. thanks. :)

i guess for us its about perfecting the burning the midnight oil plan. my boyfriend works too hard. he gets up at 5am and works til around 11pm. sometimes between 11pm and 1am. i couldn't do that ever! bless him. i've been telling him just how important sleep is and making sure he gets at least 6 hours of sleep. lol.

anyway some good news: thursday = 6 tomatoes; friday = 10 tomatoes; saturday = 11 tomatoes. better late than never. lol.

all the best everyone. sorry i didn't come online again that day. i felt so guilty over my 6/a possible 11 tomatoes. lol.


3 weeks and a day to go! still so much to do!


hey hey anyone around? ,.... and the work continues - we can do it!!(up)


work has been going great. the quality has been good. sometimes i wish i could write faster but am being patient with myself.

i just finished the main part of ch.4, now its the homestretch (analysis) from tomorrow. i hope i can be done in five days and then start on the conclusion chapter which will double as a discussion as well.

i don't have the greatest timing but.... (what do you do?) i've applied for a 3 week extension to take the pressure off- fingers crossed - as the pressure is getting too much and i can't think sometimes.

meanwhile, am proceeding like i have it - if only for my sanity. been averaging 10 tomatoes a day which in my assessment is not bad. working between 1pm and 10pm. am thinking of starting at 11am and pushing til 10pm. i will try this out tomorrow and see how it goes.

17 days to go..


Good to here from someone else doing the write up! My deadline is 12th Jan. I have all my chapters written in rough draft now, just the editing to go. Keep it going!


anyone else working tonight?


======= Date Modified 20 Dec 2011 20:40:13 =======
Yes, I'm working tonight (on top of a 7-8hr day already!!). Some of my post viva voce thesis corrections involve integrating missing articles so I'm updating my literature review chapters using similar methods for a systematic review to ensure I include all relevant papers (which I should have done in the first place!).

I wanted to finish off at least one population group and service model option today (probably a tall order!)...... May need some more coffee in about an hour or so! :(

Gosh, I keep coming across phantom summits! Will I ever reach the end of this horrible process?!?


I'm trying to work tonight but it seems I can only see bad things about my writing rather than good.  Got a feeling I will do more harm than good.:-(


VERY unproductive today :(- but I feel a little better and more energised after a break from my thesis, so hopefully a good thing!


Just to say thinking of you (gift)


thanks mog. i actually got a 3 week extension as i've not been very well.

i have really struggled the last 2 weeks and am still stuck in a section but am determined to get it done and dusted by monday tops.

27th is the new deadline. then still have to write a discussion chapter in 10 days. :O

but am a believer in ALL things are possible.

i had a really terrible day yesterday. i was trying to work through feeling poorly when i just felt really confused, like nothing was working and started moving things around my chapter. i decided to step away from it before i did more damage. i went to sleep. cried myself to sleep but in the middle of it all came up with a solution to the problem. am hoping new strategy works in getting me out of the woods by monday.


Quote From hailey:

t then still have to write a discussion chapter in 10 days. :O

but am a believer in ALL things are possible.

I wrote a very good discussion chapter in a few days and so it can be done - keep the faith - you will get there!!!


Delta! thanks!!!!!!

i so need that!


I was looking out for a post by you Hailey! Keep up the good work, we will get there in the end!