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The One Goal Thread
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Oh, now I'm dreading whatever response I get to my lit review from my supervisors!

I've only got my conclusion and references left to do now. And two and a half hours to go.

The One Goal Thread
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Oh, don't say that, Ev! I hope a fresh day has made things seem a bit more positive - we all have days where we feel like we just can't do it, but I'm sure you can really.

My big goal for today: get my draft literature review finished and emailed to my supervisors before 5pm. That breaks down into writing an intro and conclusion, going back to all the awkward bits I skipped while I was writing it, editing the whole thing and getting RefWorks to produce my reference list. Yikes, I'd better get back to it!

The One Goal Thread
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Phew, one rough draft of my literature review done! What a relief. Still lots to do on it (introduction, conclusion, all the bits I skipped while I was writing it, all my references...) but the bulk of the writing is done. I honestly didn't think I'd ever make tomorrow's deadline, but it looks like I will do now. So, good luck everyone else, lots of small steps and you'll all get there...

Maybe I'll go for a short walk and get some fresh air. Haven't left my flat since Saturday morning!

Really struggling
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Absolutely, there's loads of examples on these discussion boards of people who are going through or have been through very similar things to what you describe. I think everyone does feel it to one extent or another. I think all the stuff people have said about taking things one step at a time and not thinking about the size of the whole PhD is really good advice. You're still at a really early stage and there is still a lot of time to get on top of the subject - as far as I can tell, nobody is expected to have grasped everything and know where they're going after seven months. And the thing about patterns emerging is absolutely right - it's what my supervisors told me would eventually happen when I told them I was feeling overwhelmed - they said not to worry, it's all part of the process so just trust that the ideas will start to form as you get more familiar with your area.

The one goal thread is a great place to start - with something dead simple that you know you can try to achieve.

Good luck!

Mods - pretty please?
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Heh, I second the request for bat wings, that would be cool :-)

A tomato icon would probably make me feel like I wasn't doing enough work - but hey, let's have one of those anyway!

Thanks Sneaks, thanks Mods...:-)

The One Goal Thread
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Goal for today: get to the end of the first draft of my literature review. Yikes, that's a big task!

The One Goal Thread
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Yikes, good luck with the regression Satchi, that sounds like an awful way to spend a day!

I have achieved my first goal, and am rushing towards meeting my second goal. Yay, progress at last!

The One Goal Thread
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Yes, breaks are very important! I realise I've been expecting too much of myself, so ended up doing absolutely no work yesterday. A little scared by how much I now have to do in three days, but I'm sure I'll be better for the break.

Today's goals: finish the section of my lit review that I started on Friday, and aim to get about half way through the next section.

lecturer salaries
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Ooh, bat wings would be cool!

That doesn't sound like a bad plan, Sneaks, but it might be that the person you email doesn't really have a true picture of what they're after with that post, so you might end up with no clearer picture (or even with an inaccurate picture!) I agree with the idea of looking closely at the person spec, that should give a bit of a hint. If there was nothing there that screamed 'experienced people only' I think I'd apply anyway (unless the person you know really does have some insider info!)

The One Goal Thread
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Gah, I've hit a wall now, just can't do any more. Not helped by texts from my other half reporting that the pub beer garden is lovely and sunny and there's a pint waiting for me when I want it! I haven't quite hit goal 2 but I've achieved a lot and the end is finally in sight, so maybe I will allow myself to retire to the pub and start fresh tomorrow! (Why do I feel like I have to justify this??)

lecturer salaries
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Hi Sneaks

I think you should go for the lectureship positions - even if it turns out they're after someone with more experience than you have, I reckon they'll just think it's good that you're ambitious, rather than look down on you for daring to apply. Probably most people would never know you even applied for the jobs, and those that did might be more inclined then to think of you if a suitable vacancy did come up. And there's always the chance that they'll like your attitude and approach and you'll get the job anyway, and then you'd be off to a flying start with your career. So I say go for it, the possible benefits far outweigh any potential (and unlikely, IMHO) embarrassment about applying for something you don't have the experience for yet.

As to the salary I want when I finish my PhD - like everyone else, it's wait and see what's around. But in my mind I have a minimum I'd be happy with, which is 28k, and I'd really prefer more (bearing in mind my work experience before I started the PhD). When I first finish I think it would have to be an ideal job for me to apply for something paying less than 28k, but as time went on I could definitely see my minimum acceptable dropping until I was applying for anything vaguely suitable! But I still have a while to think about that, so who knows how I'll feel when the end of my phD approaches.

Good luck with it all anyway!

The One Goal Thread
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Mmm, pepsi max, that sounds good. Maybe what I need is caffeine?

Achieved goal one. Yay! Still terrified by just how much I have left to do before Tuesday. Goal 2, write the next section of my literature review. Maybe I'll go to the shop for chocolate and caffeine supplies first though.

The One Goal Thread
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Today, my first goal is to finish writing the section of my literature review that I planned out last night. My second goal is to get as far into the following section as I can, and if I'm super quick, finish that section too. Torn between trying to be realistic about what I can achieve and seeing my deadline of next Tuesday come racing at me way too fast!

The One Goal Thread
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Yay, I just hit yesterday's target!

Now for today's. Finish the section of the literature review I'm currently working on, and make a reasonable start on the next section.

The One Goal Thread
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Yikes Sneaks, you've already been far more productive than I usually am all day! Good luck with today's target.

After failing to meet my target yesterday (but having a lovely time seeing a friend I haven't seen for months), my target today is to exceed yesterday's target of reaching 5,500 words on my literature review. Hopefully by a long way, but just meeting a target would be a boost at the moment! Writing takes so much longer than I ever think it will.