Overview of Becky1210

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Politic - Pay scholarship back? Should I?

Thanks for everyone.

I had paid back $ 5000 to the award Graduate Studies a few day ago. The reason is that the my department has told me that they will pay me back based on prorated to the ten months. On top of it, I am applying to upgrade my undergrad grade at this university, so if I have debt on record they won't give me admission (it sucks.)

Having said that it's been a week, I have NOT get a single response from my department. The stuffs of Graduate Studies and administrative at this university is very disorganized. Always refer my question to another / department and not to resolve any problem. It is funny how efficient and responsive when they send me a message about collecting money and is my responsibility blablabla.... they also love to use big word and punctuate sentence in a way you are a second citizen. I will keep everyone posted once I have received response.

P.S.I had experiences email other top university in Canada - U of T, Waterloo, UBC. All of them are supportive and get to the point solving problem. None of them are like this twisted school.

Dropping out of PhD - what's next?

Hi, I just quitted my PhD in my second yr maybe I can give you some thoughts. Some background: My research was interested to me that I don't mind to work all day and night.I have excellent research progress and received two scholarships, but I am just a hard working student have some interesting character and not too good academically. Excellent researcher. In another words, I am not too good at the subject I chose. My lesson was do what you are good at because if you are really good at something, you will thrive in your field. You will feel good about yourself and found meaning from your work. You mentioned "meaningless, boring, forces, kills me" sounds like a red flag which I think definitely not to ignore. Beside having a OK social life that keep you in the program...are you good at or even passionate about the subject?

Politic - Pay scholarship back? Should I?

Hi everyone, I had withdrawn my PhD at the end of June which is the 18th months of my studies in Canada. I was awarded by external graduate student scholarship for $ 15000 which I was paid in 3 terms ($5000 each) - Fall 2017, Winter and Summer 2018. Each deposit was paid in the beginning of each term. For the summer term, I was paid at the end of April. This scholarship makes up a big part of my minimum stipend which is only $23000 (It was the guaranteed stipend from my department). Since I withdrawn from the program university registrar asks me to pay back the full $5000 because it was their policy for student who quits during the term. However, I had been working as a full-time student / employee as research assistant for 2 months in the summer until my withdrawal. My department has policy to give minimum stipend for full-time student but if I pay the full $5000 back, then I was basically working for free in the past two months.
Does anyone has experience like this? It is stressful for me and I felt like being taking advantages from high education system.