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Uable to work or sleep ..anyone else experience this?

ooops - sorry for the double post ... didn't get much kip last night:p

At a great gig so it wasn't the PhD causing it at least.

Keep the boat afloat people

Uable to work or sleep ..anyone else experience this?

Mira - hope the sleep is back to somewhat normal now. Went thro' both ends (insomnia and oversleeping) and neither was worth leaving go past a certain point i.e. I think it is great that you have recognised the problem quickly. I think if you follow most of the advice given already, you'll be fine but if it does continue, don't be afraid to get some medical help in terms of natural remedies as if you leave it go, it will get more serious. That said, exercise (get a cheap MP3 player and some kick ass chooons for the threadmill/rowing machines... Opeth's "Deliverance" is my choice), breaking your problems down to workable tasks, switching off at night (its best to leave it in the morning) and taking breaks (a few days, not the tea breaks!) are key.
For a real lift, go into youtube and look up Soulsavers and "No Expectations". If that doesn't relieve the stress, I don't know what will.

Dunno about ye, but some of the advice on this forum is f**king priceless ... would it be a good idea to get it all in one place as a "PhD 101" so to speak?

Uable to work or sleep ..anyone else experience this?

Mira - hope the sleep is back to somewhat normal now. Went thro' both ends (insomnia and oversleeping) and neither was worth leaving go past a certain point i.e. I think it is great that you have recognised the problem quickly. I think if you follow most of the advice given already, you'll be fine but if it does continue, don't be afraid to get some medical help in terms of natural remedies as if you leave it go, it will get more serious. That said, exercise (get a cheap MP3 player and some kick ass chooons for the threadmill/rowing machines... Opeth's "Deliverance" is my choice), breaking your problems down to workable tasks, switching off at night (its best to leave it in the morning) and taking breaks (a few days, not the tea breaks!) are key.
For a real lift, go into youtube and look up Soulsavers and "No Expectations". If that doesn't relieve the stress, I don't know what will.

Dunno about ye, but some of the advice on this forum is f**king priceless ... would it be a good idea to get it all in one place as a "PhD 101" so to speak?

Read a good book lately?

Motley Crue's "The Dirt" - even if you are not into hair metal, it is a book you could literally read from any point and say how could this happen ... and also question the reasons for not taking up the guitar or any other musical instrument - or become a drummer (no offense lads) - from an earlier age.
Don't like fiction too much but "Stardust" is a good read - haven't seen the movie but the book is brilliant at conveying some class imagery.
If feeling in need of a lift, "The Tao of Pooh" and "The Tse of Piglet" are class (you can get them as one in most good bookshops). Great if needing to take a break from the tedium and reminding yourself of the more simpler but more important things in life.
Must get a few books as the library at the uni here, while great for academic stuff, isn't so great for other reading.

how do you organize your working day?

Trust me - I am just as bad ... I only give people advise by telling them to do the exact opposite to what I actually do :$
Idon't do it every week but basically even for 5-10 minutes on Mondaymorning, I just write down what are the main items to be done that weekin general (when I remember and am not distracted by youtube, myspaceor the various footie websites). Nothing elaborate - just a means ofmentally positioning yourself for the week. I don't think you can gotoo far into the week as you'd never know when that assignment getsdrawn out or those few pints on Thurs night creep into Fri morningslist. I suppose in saying that we all should by now know the generalrun of our weeks and could nearly assign general tasks per half daybasis (reading papers, coding or lab-work, hang-over recovery) and workfrom that. I find I have to do it during term with the extrateaching/part-time work
One of the post-docs (who just recentlyfinished his PhD) uses Digital Post-it notes on his computer ... theystay on the desktop until you cross them off - will find out where hegot them for free. He is one of the most sorted guys and yet in no wayparticularly fussy (he has a huge workload but yet manages to stayorganised and down to earth). A digression but just giving an exampleof where ya don't have to change the person in order to becomeorganised.

By the way, if your supervisor is complimenting youon progress, kudos and how bad! The meetings I have with the supervisordoes help in that way whereby he will give me about 3-4 tasks to havedone by the next meeting, which does focus the mind and gets someroutine in. Only problem is that these meetings tend to go from beingevery two weeks to every two months (the latter is when things go a bitastray)

Sorry for the meandering - I will look up those post-its tomorrow and post on the forum.
Now stop dossing and get back to work ... :p

how do you organize your working day?

Well not religiously record it but at least be a rough guide to what is done and not done (at least at the end of the week you don't feel as if it was a total waste!). I suppose complaining about lack of supervision and so forth could be a quick and easy way to apportion blame but in truth it is really down to us and getting stuff done. I think the nature of the beast is that you don't really feel you've achieved anything except for a handful of times during the research and as a result the whole monotonous nature of reading one topic does get boring (well that's how I feel). A change now and again to the routine helps to keep interest. Along with the odd break or three
As for the coffee/tea machines, here is one http://www.johnlewis.com/230434519/Product.aspx?source=22567 - I'm sure they have coffee makers, but tea is healthier for ya anyhows. The parents used to have the same brand but as crude as a shovel type of thing ... think the whole thing made for more scalding incidents rather than refreshing cups of Tetly's.

I think a collective kick in the a**e and try to get at least a few "To Do/By when" lists - even achievable stuff.

how do you organize your working day?

Neena - Crafty indeed. Where are all those alarm clocks/coffee makers from the '70s when you need them?

Think the whole thing of setting and recording your progress might work - perhaps on a weekly basis rather than a daily basis. At least it will show where you are slipping up

Well, a bit prouder of myself - I think I know how somehow to interpret Impact Factors (why the fudge don't they have the "stars" rating for journals or is it the academic case of complicating the obvious??). Sorry for the digression.

how do you organize your working day?

Is anyone finding that it is even harder to motivate yourself for the summer months, with no-one about and the feeling that you shouldn't be either? Of course the weather ain't helping either (without giving too much away, its chronic at the mo - so much for "it'll be a good August")
Really feeling bad as got into a habit of not getting out of bed until 10.30-11.00 and then doing sweet FA for the rest of the day - ya wouldn't mind but I actually know what I am meant to be doing (which was a big problem for a while) but just can't force myself.
I don't know about ye but if it was a case that you knew your work was somehow valued, you'd put a bit of effort in i.e. no good you being regimental about routines and deadlines if your work is only subjected to a cursory glance 5 minutes before a meeting that meanders all over the place.
Ch**t - I'm bitter! Maybe I should change my name to Lemon :-s

Gonna break down the major tasks into ones I can do in an hour (even if it is as simple as editing one paragraph) and do that on a daily basis.

EndNote nightmare! Aaargh!

Any luck with the references? Sorry that I was about as useful as a fart in a phone box. If we had a bit more time the problem probably would be solvable - main thing at this stage is to get the majority of the stuff to the review panel (even if it means stating that there was one or two problems with the references as a small note). If it is a case that Endnote is still acting up, keep posting and a solution will be found.
Good luck with the review - you'll do brilliantly!
Go home soon and get a bottle of wine, go to lastfm.com and put on some "Explosions in the Sky" - just the music after a long tough day.

EndNote nightmare! Aaargh!

Save what you have anyways ... Copy & Paste to a new document. At least you'll have those. Use this list as your bibliography if needed in the worst case

Worst case is that you do the four troublesome references "manually" and then insert them into the second word document. Must go now but will be back later

Probably as problem with Endnote field (or version if using Endnote 11)

Journals for hand searching

A116 - you could "attack" this problem in a different manner. By using the impact factor of the various journals you will find out which are the more important journals and then base your search around these (could be accused of being a bit of a cynical approach but that's the way the wheel turns). Web of Science has a good section on Impact Factors and you should be able to find some relative journals.
If you haven't done your literature review yet, it might be a good idea to mix your search strategies. Typical way is to find a few main authors and work from a selection of papers, but by and large, with no-one to show you how to search (or very rare anyways) most lit reviews are a result of trawling thro' google scholar or the other search engines

2 questions about PhD

Just in addition - why I would say to get some form of part-time is to prepare for
a. The rainy day expenses - Nurofen only stops toothaches for a few days
b. Usual big expenses such as car insurance/tax etc.
c. The much needed breaks - Plan them and take them. They will keep ya sane and remind ya of the "other" world
You'll probably find that even a few hours a week (4-5 teaching) will make a huge difference to the monthly paypacket and still not totally take up all your time.
Good luck and keep posting

2 questions about PhD

researcherboy - I'd half agree with jouri (10 hours work does roughly translate to 15 before ya know it!) but that said, you do need to build up ca$h. The PhD is your #1 priority, but what I would reckon you do is take on the work but cut back if it is getting in the way. You should have time in your first year and if it is seen that you are a good worker in this part time role, you will be able to get more used to it and will probably be offered the role again in the future.
Its a fact that PhDers need part time work from time to time (either that or live like a Trappist monk a for 3-4 years) and the fact that your part-time work is on campus is extremely convenient.
As jouri did say, the PhD process is hard but don't forget theres a whole load of us here if ever stuck.

How procrastination can help fight world hunger

Well there goes any hope of starting that paper ... although it may help with getting a more punctilious quality with the relict of the paper. olivia - you maybe wrong - this is the antipode of procastination and I will use this website with increased ebullience and vim in the future.

Oh dear my supervisor has gone on holiday without giving me feedback!

Last word (sorry ... taxi already outside though).
It goes without saying - Be diplomatic (but firm). I'd even go so far as apologising for not making the meeting y'day (We all know the truth but hey, feed the ego!) and then arranging that you will send on the article for at least a quick check, giving a few days heads up. A bit of humble pie on the phone and be prepared for the whole "Oh I'm away" spiel. If she is adamant that she won't look at it, then ask her what to do.
Keep the boat afloat and keep us updated.