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for all thinking people

Hi. This web may assist those individuals who are trying to contribute towards academia --
Nursing and education platform.webs.com

plagiarism research

I am considering an online questionnaire if people would prefer. Thanks

plagiarism research

Hi. postal questionnaire and consent. study ready in a couple of months. Thanks

Writing a book

PS. Publisher will expect a full proposal and chapter outlines with full refs.This can take considerable time. I do not know your field but if I can help, just send me a message. It is best to have experts to review-- I did have a couple and publisher may ask you to name some. I wrote mine alone and it was rather lonely. Thanks

Writing a book

Hi. You can try prior as it does motivate you. For my first book; it was 10yrs before publication despite it being an original idea. The book was publishable but the main field , would not sell enough copies. Try and get a good publisher- mine folded soon after so I never receive any payment despite it still selling.Also log the book with a copyright registration agency on line as I nearly lost my idea to several people and publishers. Good luck and do not give in!!

American link. Help!!

Hi. I am writing a book and seek a link in America regarding healthcare for some simple hard copy refs. Can anybody please help? Thanks

plagiarism research

Hi. I am undertaking research of plagiarism amonst academics. Is anybody willing to complete an anonymous questionnare? Thanks.

health and social care/nursing

If anybody requires assistance re health and social care/ nursing or assignments checking, please contact me. Thanks