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PhD funding interview

Hi all,

I have been accepted on a Doctoral Programme and after applying for internal funding I have been invited to an interview next week. I have already had an initial interview with my potential supervisors and have been in regular contact with them as I have been revising my research proposal for the funding application.

I was, therefore, wondering if it was appropriate to email them these potential supervisors informing them of my interview and asking for any feedback from my previous interview to improve? However, I am unsure if this comes across as simply trying to improve for the upcoming interview or if it comes across as inappropriate?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Should I apply to multiple universities? - Would I use the same proposal?

Hi all,

Basically I am currently part way through my Masters and have applied for a PhD at the same university I am at now. As I am close to the lecturer who would be my supervisor (if I were successful), she has helped me greatly with writing my thesis proposal.

I am have been accepted at this university, however I am still waiting to hear regarding funding. Due to my circumstances, if I do not get chosen for funding then I will not be able to study there.

This has got me thinking that I should really apply to multiple universities to increase my chances of being given funding somewhere. However, I am unsure if the protocol is to use the same research proposal for all applications? And is this acceptable considering my potential supervisor here has helped me re-write some areas and given advice?

Also my potential supervisor here would be a key person to list as a referee, but I'm not even sure how to go about asking if she'll be a referee for other applications?

I'm concerned this comes off disrespectful, essentially taking the proposal she has helped me with to apply to other uni's, then asking her for a reference too?

Any advice would be massively appreciated, as I have little knowledge of how these things typically work!

Many thanks!