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Just about to start a PhD...doubts already?

Hi all

Fantastic thread - thanks for bringing all the newbies together to help you out in your moment of need, Malcontent! I'm starting in two weeks at a northern English uni! It's where I did my BA and in the same city as where I did my MA so I'm having none of the worries that you are, especially since I have my own house and social scene, having been here for more years than I care to tell you all (OK, OK, 16 years since I moved here from Middlesbrough to go to uni!). You'll note I am a north-easterner therefore, and I am sure you'll love the area pretty soon - people from the North-East haven't got a reputation for openess and friendliness for nothing.

I wonder whether people worried about their social lives should look further than what their university offers. It was in my final year of my BA that I started joining in music clubs in the city and that started to make me feel like I belonged. You need something to take you away from the joys of lit reviews so find something in the city (esp since we've all now worked out which city you're in - it's an awesome place!!).

However, saying all that, I'm still worried - I'm continuing research in the area I did my MA in but feel I'm likely to head into an early case of Imposter Syndrome... I scraped a 2:1 in my BA but after a few years working I think I came to my MA with a more professional outlook. However, my MA was taken at an institution with less of a reputation than where I am enrolled for the PhD so I've kinda got the opposite problem. What if that distinction was a fluke - if they just graded me higher and if I'll struggle to keep up now...?

I guess we all have our issues!


Hi JenJen

I'm really looking forward to people's responses to this one! I'm starting in two weeks' time, part-time. I'll have Mondays and Tuesdays (and sometimes Wednesdays, when not teaching) set aside for the PhD and would also benefit from the voices of wisdom regarding setting routines (and sticking to them!).

I'm certainly thinking about structuring myself around my Pilates class!

How should I start?

This is my first post, having just registered as a member, after stalking for a few months! I'm also just to start my PhD (on 11 October) and I'm finding the waiting is sending me a little mad! I'm excited but also a little terrified. My PhD is, to a certain extent, a continuation of MA work so finding papers won't be a problem for me, in fact I'm concerned about the breadth of reading that I'm about to have to embark on.

Got my notebooks and journals sorted too, like Smartramp - beautiful stationary is crucially important for me!

I'm sure you'll find that when you have more than a brief chat with your supervisor, Catcat, there'll be more suggestions for your search. Good luck!