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Car crash in slow motion - five weeks to submission

======= Date Modified 03 Sep 2012 10:51:51 =======
Faye, I hope you're okay.
I have a few weeks til submission and feel like I have a lot to do too. Let us know how youre' doing
*internet hugs*

Pragmatism as a research philosophy

Tashakkori, A. & Teddlie, C. (2003). Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social &
Behavioral Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Creswell, J. W., and Plano Clark, V. L. (2007).Designing and conducting mixed methods research
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Both have helped me :)

My final push diary

Hope everyone's okay. Today has been rough.

10 am - 2am day with just 2500 words written and some changes made to a few chapters. URGHHHHHHHHHH. :( :( Think I need to use my time better!

Qualitative PhD - how many interviews will be sufficient?
The One Goal Thread

I managed to achieve my goal yesterday, kind of. Very sketchy draft of Chapter 1 done. Now I need to speed read a lot of books to add some substance.

Just gave my quantitative analysis chapter to a statistician. Should have done it ages ago, but I'm an avoidance coper. Now all I have to do is sit patiently (and weep silently) whille he looks over it and points out all my horrible mistakes.

Least it's Friday...not that that means anything in PhD land...
Hope everyone's well xx

My final push diary

You can do it, Pam! Hope you feel better soon!

The One Goal Thread

Today's goal is to get a finished first draft of Chapter 1! :)

My final push diary

I need to have a full draft submitted by 24th July and my hand in date is 24th Sept. What about you RibenaGirl?
Eeeeeeeeeeee. Do not want.

My final push diary

I feel like I'm getting nowhere. Sick of the sight of my thesis and scraping the barrell of motivation :( STILL have two chapters to write pretty much from scratch, though have one in very sketchy form. My thesis is going to be at least 10,000 words over the word limit, probably more, so now I'm worrying about how much editing I'll have to do! Hope the rest of you are all getting on well!! x

My final push diary

I think this thread might help me too...

I need to have a full draft by end of July, submission date 24th Sept...
Two chapters left to write, pretty much from scratch
Amendments to six chapters (not major amendments for most)

Past four days have gone to pot, my brain's just given up.

*internet group hug* we can do it!!!

The One Goal Thread

======= Date Modified 23 Jun 2012 22:40:28 =======
Well done Batfink! Woop woop woop! Mmmmmm pizza.

Today has been rubbish for me, feel like I've run out of steam! Need to reset my brain and try and make some progress before I go to bed. Having one of those days where I'm sick of my topic, so it's hard!

Goal for tomorrow:
Finalise Chapter 6
(read a few papers, maybe add some theory about control/self efficacy/self determination theory, and then tidy it up)

Lets hope I don't need to copy and paste that again tomorrow night...

The One Goal Thread

Well done all for being such productive busy bees!
Incorporate some theory into one of my categories in my qual chapter - Done
Write summaries for three of my subcategories - Done
Make a start on tidying up my qualitative discussion chapter - Not so much, but I've had some wine and now I'm sleepy.

Goal for tomorrow:
Finalise Chapter 6
(read a few papers, maybe add some theory about control/self efficacy/self determination theory, and then tidy it up)

The One Goal Thread

My goals for tomorrow are:
Incorporate some theory into one of my categories in my qual chapter
Write summaries for three of my subcategories
Make a start on tidying up my qualitative discussion chapter

I've got a hand-in date, it's 24th Sept, so I need to get cracking....eeeek

Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology Access

Thank you Moonblue! I've actually managed to get all three papers now thanks to the kindness of the authors! :)

Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology Access

Only need the 1990 paper now - if anyone could help, i would be eternally grateful :)