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Pregnancy vs PhD - advance preparation!

Sorry for the long post ladies, i just thought i should share that and for you to get a guys view, at least

Pregnancy vs PhD - advance preparation!

Personally, i would put off child bearing until a few months before I’m done or until when I’m done totally. Like juno has pointed out, 'accidents do happen' (but i believe everything happens for a reason). In that case, a woman should be able to receive all the support she can get to make life easier for her.

Pregnancy vs PhD - advance preparation!

This is getting quite heated, I like it Ok, just kidding. On a more serious note, I have scanned through the opinions of sassy and ras31 and juno and I have to say I agree with juno. She has had to explain herself for the nth time (quoting you juno). If I were a woman, planning on doing a PhD, I would not put a child in that same thought process. What I mean is I would not be thinking having a child within that period.

Even as a man, I would not plan on having a child with my wife if she were in the course of her PhD. Like I said earlier on, it is much better to put thing in perspective and do things in their own time. A PhD is far too much hassle on it own without combining it with having a child (even if many women have gone through this, to which I raise my imaginary hat to- that is courage and determination and i truly admire it)

Pregnancy vs PhD - advance preparation!

Pregnancy vs PhD - advance preparation!

I agree with you juno.

Last on to post on this thread wins

oz, it seems everyone has quit smoking

I don't smoke by the way.

Pregnancy vs PhD - advance preparation!

I do agree that a woman is entitled to get pregnant when she wants to but do you not think that it is probably better to prioritise things? If a woman is in a 'proper job' that is all good but a PhD is something different- short term and quite stressful.

Anyone have any cold remedies?

Hi alicepalace, sorry about the cold. I just recovered from one myself.
Ok, i'll give you one remedy that works wonders. Though some might view it as gross but believe me, it works. Here is it:

1. Dice some garlic (ok, i've grossed you out already, haven't i? but i shall comtinue)about a spoon full.

2. Chop some ginger. A leveled spoon full.

3. Lime or lemon

4. Honey, if you've got any.

Squeeze the lime or lemon into a mug (three squeezes) and add the rest of the magic formula in. Add hot water to it and let let it be for like 3 minutes. Drink the contents and chew the garlic and ginger in it as well. Do this everyday because after the first day you'll feel so good and not bother to continue and then it comes back because its not all gone.

Try it and let me know how you feel

what is Viva?

Vivas are more of a discussion than an examination, though you are assesed. It is a means where the examiners are able determine how you have structured your thesis, get more insight into various methods you have employed. It is also an avenue to learn how you have increased the knowledge-base of your field to an extent, something new and unique, through your research.

This lasts about 2-3 hours

Are you going to do a postdoc

you got that right

How did you feel when you finished ?

A big congratulations to you. It is not an easy task to see a PhD to completion. No one can imagine all the hard work, frustration and determination that have gone into it. You have achieved something noteworthy, indeed. I too hope to be able to announce this same wonderful news in the near future.


Shall I do a PhD?

I've noticed that too 404. All the regulars seem to have gone into hiding or are on holiday

Funding for PhD in biblical studies

Hello Faith,

I've come across this, see if it would help in any way.


Best wishes.

Thesis writeup - excel charts are driving me mad!

H, I used MatLab as well when i was having problems with Excel. You're definitely right, the quality was so much better.

moan moan moan

Krashty, you're right in both 1 and 2.

I do sympathise with AnnieG's current situation and AnnieG would undoubtedly get all the support that is needed on this forum but I do agree with what RogueAcademic has pointed out.

By the way, no offence taken