Overview of Dispatcher

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What do u add in a concluding discussion

I guess some comments about why this research was conducted in first place, what was the shortfall, how it has filled in the gap and improved previous work. Also, how this work which you have completed could be extended and are there any areas which have not been addressed but would be in future research e.g post doc etc.. I am no expert but this is my humble suggestion.

Would you wish your supervisor happy birthday?

I have learnt to avoid giving presents even small to people related directly to my academia. It sometimes have reverse effect and they become less helpful and even start ignoring you. I had once spent 40quid on a mentor for a prepaid meal at a local restaurant as a thanks giving and he advised research panel to cut my funding. Thankfully the pro-vice chancellor accepted my appeal and restored it.

etiquette question

Hi, I have seen people using earplugs or headphones in the office. But, Its actually the smell of the food cooking in the microwave oven that annoys me most....I am desperately waiting for an invention that blocks that as well.
One time we had nearly 10 different nationalities in the office and had a number of varieties of smell to cope with...