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Convenience samples of postgrad student

Judging from the enormous number of requests for survey participation I see on this forum, I wonder how many master's dissertations or even PhD theses are based on convenience samples of postgrad students? Which has implications for the reliability of the results.

Anyone any experience with the Open University?

Thanks chickpea. All the reports I've had so far have been very positive.

Advice needed

I agree with marasp. This is someone who sounds like they would be receptive, so you should ask. In academia, I don't think shrinking violets gets very far. As long as you are polite and humble, you can't go far wrong.

Looking for some inspiration :/

It's so difficult to know, because everyone's difficult. Sometimes what you need is a short break from the thesis. Other times, it's best to keep ploughing on. Is there a particular part that you are finding hard-going?

Anyone any experience with the Open University?

I'm applying for a post with the Open University, I hear good things about it - has anyone had any experience with the OU?

Publishing scientific paper

I think it would be seen more negatively not trying to publish than being rejected. As already mentioned, everyone has papers rejected, and it's bound to be more likely when you start off. It's also perfectly likely that something that's not accepted as a journal article will make a perfectly good thesis chapter.

Slave labour

and the large number of PhD students that don't live this life of luxury because they're self-funded?

Slave labour

Having been a member of another profession before doing my PhD, I'd have to disagree that it's exactly the same.

Slave labour

I have to agree with you. Convinced success in academia matter of luck and connections more than talent!

Phd after conversion course

I have just submitted a doctoral thesis in law despite only doing a graduate diploma in law, so it can be done.

Slave labour

Does anyone else get brassed off with the way that post-PhDs without jobs yet are expected to produce academic outputs without getting paid for it?

Post-Submission Limbo

It seems to be a common feeling post-submission. I've been feeling very much the same way, and after talking to people have decided to just take a little mental break. Nothing wrong with that, it'll make me all the more productive when I get stuck in again.

Job Interview

Part 2: one of the issues is diversity. also be aware of the need for extra support of overseas students eg English tuition, student support. you may need to modify your teaching to avoid excessive reference to English cultural traditions which overseas students are not familiar with

Anticlimactic process of submission

Just submitted my thesis, which is great and a relief, but also oddly bureaucratic and lacking any ceremony! Don't know what should be done, but it would be nice to have something to make it more of an event.

Seriously considering "suing" ex-supervisor

Personally I think that it's the student's PhD, and they should take responsibility for it. Would legal action help your career? Plenty of people who have had to manage without funding!