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How long from full draft to submission?

Hi Grumpy Mule - snap! My thesis eerily also 98,000 words. My time from full draft to submission took about 4 months I think, partly because my supervisor was quite picky. It's certainly doable.

How long from full draft to submission?

Personally I think that timeline is optimistic, but of course it depends on what you're writing about


Whilst you're doing the PhD, your energies are pretty well focussed on getting the thesis written. Towards the end your thoughts are turning towards your next move. For those wishing to remain in academia, this means getting a job or some research funding.
Research funding - what a nightmare! Is there a process more fiendishly contrived to drive you mad? Getting the PhD seems easy in comparison to the hoops you have to jump through just to get an application that will be considered. I guess anyone that persists with the process and comes out with an ounce of enthusiasm still left must really want to do research, so it could be seen as trial by endurance. Still not sure it's the best way to fund imaginative research from a wide pool of talent.

sending cold emails to PIs...how good does it work?

I can't see how this would work, given the regulations about hiring people.

Post-Viva PhD Submission (Anxious feelings)

As other people have remarked, these kind of feelings very common and completely understandable! You've invested so much in your thesis, and now it's finished.

Corrections and more corrections - my supervisor is tiring me

It's great that you have a supervisor that's so helpful. Everyone goes through this sort of procress writing (whether for PhD or for journals), so the important thing is not to let it discourage you.

any advice on my first conference

Definitely OK to say you don't know! Certainly better than trying to bullshit, as this will be picked up. As others have said, generally you'll know more about your topic than audience.

Can you refuse some revisions after viva?

Yes, the thesis format is designed to make it easy for the examiners to see if you have performed your research well. Nothing like a book. The monograph is another beast altogether.

EU member not getting UK funding

I don't see why the people supplying the funding shouldn't apply whichever criteria they want! Seeing this as racism is adding a level of hysteria which probably isn't justified.

Can you refuse some revisions after viva?

If you make this much fuss over a mere formatting change...sheesh!

Can you refuse some revisions after viva?

Exactly. To reiterate, the thesis is not about artistry. And your articles submitted to journals will likely be mauled far more on far more tenuous grounds!

Shut Up and Write??

Not sure how it would work online either! We had this at Keele, and it does work well. Just about helping the discipline of sitting and writing for a period of time. Twice a month probaby not often enough, weekly is ideal. TBH might work solo - sit in a coffee shop with your laptop?

Can you refuse some revisions after viva?

The thesis traditionally takes a certain form. Think it's not really something you need to fight over. If it was an issue of substance, that would be different. But your thesis is not meant to be a book. It serves a different purpose.


Usually what is required for minor corrections is fairly self-explanatory, and if you need to you can ask for clarification. So after that, it's simply about gritting your teeth and getting it done. Whatever you decide to do, it will be better to have completed the PhD than not.

Attending a conference

How long is this session? Often the chair does make comments, just never seen it formally timetabled before.