Overview of DorothyWitherell

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Dealing with Stress/Depression/Anxiety

Hello, I think you truly require consultation with a doctor before your health issues could turn into worst condition. Yes, of course, we should keep positive thoughts always with us. As it is well said, find a place inside you where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain and stress within yourself. When you think positive, good things happen. Side by side you can also take voyance pure consultation. You need proper guidance at this time.

I need help with some administrative hassle in order to get a PhD defense date set

Yeah...you can check it online. But it won't work for you I think.

Does anyone else not feel ready to move on?

Yeah, I too faced the same situation. When I was completing my graduation.

Need advice with ethical matters (unintentional plagiarism & intentional dishonesty)

I think you should go for consultation.