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Change PhD topic

I don't know your subject area, but I'll try to help.
You say that there is someone else who is doing the same thing as you. Is s/he doing exactly the same thing? Can ypu change yours a little bit? Maybe use a different method, or different variables....

Also, are you sure you will finish in 36 months? I think 36 months is usually not enough time (I don't want to disappoint you)....

What are your plans?

Well, maybe it's a bit early for me to plan ahead, but when I finish I will just continue with my job (I work FT at a permanent job) and at the same time I will look for an academic job at the near-by university, which will be really difficult to find...


Well, I am living in a small city near the sea in Greece, so in the summer everyday is like holiday...
I may go for a couple of days to my bf's island (well he doesn't own it, but he is from there) and then to another island with a friend...
As far as work is concerned...probably I will do almost nothing in August as I really need to rest.

Part-Timers: Please tell me everything!

I am studying for a PT PhD (I'm in my second year) and I am working FT with SEN children.
It is difficult, as I work for 6 hours every day, and I am exhausted because my job is very demanding (mentally, emotioanlly and physically) and I have to do research and study a lot, too. But, as I really love my research, I am happy to sit in front of my computer and work on it every afternoon! It's a kind of rest for me....
It needs a lot of determination, especially if you are in my situation (FT work that needs a lot of studying, PhD in a language that it is not your first language, work and study in another country and visit your ubi every 3 months...)

Lost..Confused and Alone!

Before I started my master, several years ago, I had been to UK as an Erasmus student. My experience was as bad as it could be. I had a lot of personal problems and problems with the course I had to take (I didn't like the modules at all) and health problems (that the GP failed to diagnose and my doctor from Greece diagnosed over the phone!!!!).
So, when I got on the plane to go to UK again, this time for my first master, I was terrified! I was thinking "The door of the plane hasn't closed yet, you have 1 minute to get off it!!!! and when we took off "It will be only a year. If you just study it will pass. It is like a medicine!!!!"
To cut a long story short, after the first couple of weeks that were difficult, I started meeting people by going to cafes in the uni, by going to the local pub etc. At the end of my course, I didn't want to leave!!!!! I wanted to stay there, but I had probelms with recognising my bachelor (something that now is possible!!).
Just be patient! You will make new friends and you will see that your experience will be great!!!

Looking for a paper

That would be great!!!!!

Looking for a paper

Thanks anyway!!!

Been accepted at a conference....

Conference presentation DONE!!!
I presented yesterday and it went OK. There were many people in the room, but at the end there was no question. I guess that can mean two things, either my presentation was very good, or it was boring and they didn't care about it!!! I would like to think that the first happened.....
Thank you all for encouraging me!!!

Looking for a paper

Does anyone have access to:
Reay, D. (1998) Micro-politics in the 1990s: staff relationships in secondary schooling, Journal of Educational Policy, 13(2), pp 179-196

Thank you!!!!!

Doing a second PhD?

I don't know whether you can get funding or not.
But I really admire you! I think I will go for a second PhD after (and when) I finish this one, as I work in a totally different area than my PhD, and my job allows me to do research, so it would be rather easy. Also, I study a lot in order to do my job, so I already have the theoretical background... Theo only thing is to finish PhD1 and to find a surervisor for PhD2....
I guess I should go and do some more analysis now.....



Got my 3rd star :)

Why can't I get a second one????? :-(:-(:-(

2nd sup/1st difference of opinion

Could you arrange a meeting with both sups and discuss the issue there? Maybe if they are both present, they will come to an agreement about what you have to do...

PhD while working

I am doing a part time PhD and I am working full time in Greece.
I meet with my supervisors 3 times every 3 months.
I don't think that an annual meeting is enough. There are things that you will need to discuss, email isn't enough either as you will need the presence of your supervisor.
Also, a PhD needs a lot of time. FT work with a FT PhD is very very difficult....

For those of you who did/are doing a Masters

For my first master, I knew what I wanted to study and had it all planned before I even sterted. So, I did my reserach during Christmas and then had the whole thing written by March.
For my second master, I had no idea of what to do. So, I decided about my research in May, did my interviews in June and wrote it by mid-August.
I suppose it denpends on your subject and on your personal studying/writing patterns, but I'm guessing you have enough time.
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!