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The One Goal Thread
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Goal 1 - get dressed

Goal 2- leave house

Goal 3 - make it to office

Goal 4 - Try to focus mind on work

Goal 5 - Do something, anything productive

The One Goal Thread
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Rubbish, rubbish rubbish day. Did absolutely no work and feel awful about it as I have so much to do. Also, was not very kind to myself :-s

Now I have to go put on a brave face and muster up some energy to play my weekly sport - all I want to do is go crawl in a hole.

Sorry for the negative post - well done to everyone who made some progress today!!

Today has not been a waste because....
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I went to the gym and have marked the start of hopefully a new fitness regime!!

Does this make a science PhD????
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I'm going to have to be quite vague here and realise that I need to read some theses and speak to my supervisor to get an accurate answer.................... but I'd appreciate comments on whether this is the right general idea?? I have the sinking feeling that it's just not enough.

I am going to form a hypothesis by applying some well established scientific laws to an area that is just really getting going in the last 10 years or so, combining these laws with literature values and some guestimations.This will form the basis of my conceptual model which I will then test and refine in the lab and finally produce a computer-based description of the processes involved.

Hmm sorry guys, I realise how vague this is -I guess the supervisor is my best bet - I'll get to talk to him this week about it hopefully ....

The One Goal Thread
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Goal 1 DONE
Goal 2 33.33333% DONE

Also clocked up another 20 minutes of cycling, a little dog walking and a nice healthy lunch of salad with feta cheese and home made egg salad (and 4 squares of Lindt :$). I need to lose the 1.5 stone I've put on since starting thePhD - my boyfriend's dad commented on it yesterday :-s

So, on with goal 2 until 7.30pm

The One Goal Thread
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Yep 3 times a week has a bit of an impact alright but I've been on the waiting list for over a year so I'm just really glad to finally be getting treated. Thanks for the hugs but I'm actually really excited about the outcome in a couple of months so all is good :-)

The One Goal Thread
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Nothing major Sneaks - just a minor treatment that I need 3 times a week for the next couple of months - so 3 enforced early morning starts!!

The One Goal Thread
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Congrats Sneaks!!

This morning I have been to the hospital and the gym - including 30 mins of cycling to get from one to the other and am now in the office. I'm not usually a morning person so this is all a bit new to me :$

Anyhow, Goal 1: Check the chemicals are still stored correctly

Goal 2; read and make notes from that chapter that seems really useful (I was supposed to do this on Friday but oh well)

The One Goal Thread
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2 chapters down - 11 to go :$

But the dog really wants to go for another walk and I want to go to the park to practise my drop-kicks!! Oh dear - well at least one more chapter needs to get done before I give up for the day - the book is very useful as I suspected it would be but much, much tougher going than I was anticipating.

Keep up the good work everyone 8-)

Energy Saving Tips
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Hey Cheekybint,

My suggestion would be hot water bottles - they're not just for the elderly!! I live in a poorly insulated house with tiles in every room on the ground floor but rarely use any form of heating aside from hot water bottles - If I'm working at my desk I have one behind my back and maybe another at my feet in winter. Also wearing many layers of clothes helps too :p

The One Goal Thread
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Today I want to read and make notes from the entire book that I have access to for only 2 weeks?! Hopefully, this should give me a starting point for my conceptual model.....

Today has not been a waste because....
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Great thread Teek (up)

Today has not been a waste for me as I:
**Finally started my hospital treatment that will be ongoing for the next 2-3 months
**Discovered the delivery that I had been hunting down for a few days was actually already in the lab as somebody else signed for it
**Made a plan for work for the weekend
**Managed to clock up an hour of cycling between the hospital, office and home

Hmm now I'm really clutching at straws :$ I've gotten v little done this week but the thesis plan is becoming clearer. Here's to a productive weekend for everyone who needs to spend it working (sprout)

Can anyone read this word please?
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cheeky paper request
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Sorry Sim my uni doesn't have it either

The One Goal Thread
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Bumped into my main sup earlier after a couple of weeks of hovering by his office (I know -I'm a wimp :$). So we have arranged to meet in a couple of days time to try to iron out a thesis topic/paper subject. So I'll spend the next few days furiously reading as much as possible and trying to come up with at least a couple of viable ideas!

Goal 1: re-read funding requirements of funding body
Goal 2: re-read abstract for paper