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I'm very close to quitting

Sorry, watch a film! What on earth is what a fun? My brain is mush today.

I'm very close to quitting

I'm with 404. Definitely take a break. Do something completely unrelated. Go for a walk, do some exercise, watch a fun, whatever you enjoy.

Any idea how many students fail in a Phd!!!??? :(

I have no idea about statistics on this. It has taken me a long time to realise that doing a PhD is much more about tenacity than intelligence. Perhaps that is just me though!

I do think you need to be hard working (and in my case stubborn!) It certainly can be done and I know of lots of people who have successfully completed a PhD.

So much negativity today, you are so right.

Shall I change my username?

Sylvester, I am too slow, took me a while to realise the Clare, Lisa thing. . I like 666, or perhaps 999 for 404.

Hhhmmm, will think on yours H.

question about post viva corrections

Thanks 404, I think I will have to wait until my internal is back after holidays. I am just being inpatient as I promised myself I would try and get them all sorted this week. I think I will try to do everything bar that one.

You are right, it is not something silly or I would just do it!

I will try to find out the correct procedure though, good idea.

question about post viva corrections

I truly don't know if you are allowed to change things not discussed or not. I haven't but you are right, I would love to. I will restrain myself though. I have of course changed typos etc etc.

Corrections are a major pain, you think it is over but it is not! I am forcing myself to do them this week though as I can't avoid them forever.

Is this childish?

I don't think you are strange either Rick, just keen. That can't be a bad thing.

question about post viva corrections

Thanks Chrisrolinski . I am trying not to eat too much chocolate as I am supposed to be dieting (boring I know!).

The more I think about this it seems that no one except for me, made a list on the day and post Easter they are desperately trying to remember what they said. Other things they asked for in person are not featured on the list although I have still made these changes. I think it is a memory lapse.

Delaying Higher Degree Completion

Never seen it before, it is classic.

Farewell all- the time has come

I wish you well Bazzab, I hope you find something that makes you happy.

Is it worth applying for a Postdoc job, with nothing published?

No worries, I know what you mean. A bit like me looking at houses we clearly could never afford without a lottery win.

Is it worth applying for a Postdoc job, with nothing published?

I do think it is possible. I think Sue is right in saying that you are worthy of publication. I would send an unpublished one (better than nothing). Your work still stand on its own anyway and its not all about publishing. I am sure you have lots of other great skills that will be useful for a postdoc position.

Sue, I know what you mean about positions that fit, there are not many!


I think I would suggest it but it won't be cheap. It is difficult to get bursaries for Masters. I would have a look at what is around and seriously think whether you want to give up a year of your life to study (for Masters) and drop the salary. It never does any harm to do your research and see what Unis are offering which courses etc though.


Ok, no you don't get the same holidays as students (I wish!). I get 26 days which I think is pretty much standard. Bank holidays and University days (about 3 per year I think, e.g. this Tues) are on top of the 26 days. We also get Christmas (24th-2nd or thereabouts). Holidays are good!

Earning potential, it's hard to say as our Uni has just gone through pay modernisation. Maybe £25 upwards. I know some of the senior lecturers are on 30-40K. It's not bad potential but lectureships are not easy to come by, they are very competitive.

Do you have a Masters? Apologies if you have already said, I can't remember. Most people have a Masters before applying for a PhD but it is not unheard of to apply directly without one. I was just thinking that if you don't, it might give you a better idea of what would be involved in a career in research/teaching and whether it was for you.



I know people can work in industry post PhD too so that would be an option (especially marketing). I was also speaking to someone who does some of our staff development and she was telling me that quite a few post docs ask about moving from academia to undertaking some of this development work (e.g. running presentation workshops, confidence skills for PhD students, courses for new teaching staff about engaging students). This is very hands on and people focused. It is not for me but apparently is very popular (she is fab though!)