Big people's conference as MA student


Hello all!

I've had a whirlwind few weeks- preparing for MA exams, finishing off coursework and prepping for a PhD interview.
Amidst all of this I've had some lovely but quite unexpected news- two abstracts I submitted to conferences have been accepted.
Initially, I was ecstatic as I didn't expect anything to come of these submissions.
One is based on coursework I've just finished and the other is tangentially linked to my undergraduate dissertation and an area I've research privately for the last year.
The first conference is a postgraduate one which looks quite fun. The second conference though is a really big deal and although they definitely recognise postgrads (they even have a prize dedicated to pre-doctoral presenters), I'm kind of scared to present to such authorities when my application was kind of done on a whim.
Should I drop out and save conferences for when I'm doing my PhD studies?
Or just go for it? Does a bad conference presentation 'stay on your record' - I don't want to anger or bore the big name academics who might be listening to me!

thanks for any and all advice!


Hmm that's a difficult one!. I think that people would definitely 'remember' the talk in some way, so you may want to speak to someone in your department about it to make sure the work is credible and it is a good idea to present it. If it is, then I think it will only support your future career, and it will be a great experience!